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I woke up to pain in my shoulder. It was like hell. I sat up started to look around. Suddenly somebody was hugging the life out of me. I smell vanilla death. Cassie. I hug her back tightly. She finally let go.

"Chiron said you might have slipped into a coma. You were out most of the night. Our quest starts in 3 hours." She says

"What even happened though?" I ask

"You got shot by an arrow in your shoulder. You passed out from the pain or maybe because the arrow was possibly poison laced. Chiron couldn't tell for sure. But now that you're awake you need to get moving. Quest. 3 hours." She says

I do as she says. I'm up in a matter of seconds. Out the door.


It was dark where ever I was. It was cold too. The kind of cold that got inside you until it was all you could feel. I heard a door open.

"Hello little spark. I've got you now. Look, nobody's here to save you. Not even you're precious Skylar." The voice rasped hissing on her name.

"Where am I!? Who are you!?" I ask starting to panic slightly.

"You'll soon see. And for I am you're worst nightmare." The voice rasped


It was late when I heard about Skylar. I was worried and waiting with Cassie until I almost fell asleep. I was worried about both Skylar and Sam. And Zac taking on the quest as the leader. Just camp was chaos lately. It was stressful and I have a weird feeling something bad is about to happen.

Maybe I'm right. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to the gods that I'm wrong. This year is just gonna get weirder. And weirder. And weirder.


Let's be real here. I wasn't worried about Skylar. I was worried about her not being on the quest more than her health. I know. I know. I'm a bad person and all that. But it's my first quest and I might be going with just a child of death. Can you really blame me?

Cassie suddenly comes brusting through my door. Great. This wackadoodle again. "SKYLAR'S AWAKE AND UP. SHE'S PACKING. WE HAVE THREE HOURS. LET'S GO SPARKY." She basically screams in my face.

"Calm. The. Hell. Down." I say

"TOO BAD SPARKY. LET'S GO. ALLONS-Y" She screams running out again.

I have no choice but to grab my stuff and follow before that wackadoodle comes and terrorizes me again.

I greatly appreciate votes, comments, and anything else you wanna do to get this story popular. Thank you so so much for 100+ reads. Goodbye my little lovelies

-S. Hunter

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