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Deep in a forest lived a powerful sorcerer named Katsuki Bakugou he wasn't really a bad sorcerer, people would travel to his small hut for potions, curse items to place on a person or people they hate, spells, items they think he had to give the money, women, magic like his but half of the stuff was hogwash to him and just shoos them away by making illusions of dragons, wolves, spiders, snakes whatever that would scare them away from his place. He was thinking of summoning a demon to help torment some villages nearby that disliked him because of his dark magic. Katsuki flipped through his big book of spells looking for the ritual that will summon a demon from Hell" finally, fucking almost at the end of the book," he gathered what he needed and made a symbol on the floor with sand, lighting candles and setting them on the outside of the symbol then he cuts his hand and has his blood drip in the middle of the symbol. He uses a healing spell for his cut and looks at the book, starts chanting the spell, the fire in the candles grew bigger, the sand moving rising into the air making a tornado. When Katsuki was done with the spell the fire bursted into a large fire ball and a demon appeared but it looked more like human male than the normal red skinned demons. He did have bat wings, horns, sharp nails on his fingers and toes, his hair was red and spiked up, a long red scaled demon tail with red fur behind him and a little scar above his right eyebrow. He opened his eyes revealing ruby color eyes" what the hell man!" He yells, his teeth were sharp" the fire went out and the demon glided down to the floor, rolls his shoulder" why did you summon me? I was in the middle of an arm wrestle with one of my friends" Katsuki looks at the demon and saw he was kind of ripped, looked strong" my name is Katsuki Bakugou and I am a sorcerer I summoned you here demon to help me bring terror to a small village that has been belittling me and pissing me off" the demon grunts" my name is Eijirou Kirishima, an Incubus and I don't do terrorizing humans, I'm more of peace treaty kind of demon. I have powers but just can make medium sized fireballs..." he shows Katsuki. Katsuki looks at the demon" you're joking..." Eijirou shook his head" nope, I'm more of a lower class demon than the bigger demons you see in books, so technically I'm pretty useless to terrorizing villagers and people" Katsuki stared at Eijirou with disbelief. He summoned a demon and expecting a big powerful demon but he got was a low ranked one who can only do one thing" what the fuck?! Why didn't a large powerful demon show up!? That's what I fucking wanted not some shitty haired low rank demon" Eijirou crosses his arms" my hair isn't shitty and you summoned me because all the other demons are busy and the ritual you used is only for low ranked demons. The one you want for the larger and scarier demons isn't around any more, was destroyed by some king at least that's what the big demon said so no powerful demon can be summoned" Katsuki ran his hands down his face and groans" YA GOTTA BE SHITTY ME!!!" So Eijirou was stuck there with Katsuki forever since Katsuki used a blood bond to summon a demon. A blood bond is when someone cuts the hand and drops it in the middle of symbol showing that the person wants a bond with the demon so he or she will do the summoners bidding and orders, nothing can break the bond but death unfortunately if one dies the other dies to and vise versa. Katsuki was annoyed at the red head as he asked a lot of stupid questions regarding Katsuki's work in magic and asking if he was as good as wizards and witches and he also wanted to go out and explore. The bond also keeps the two needing to be close about twenty feet, if they are farther than that they will get light headed and feel sick to the stomach; it was a strange side affect no one not even the demons know why it's like that. Eijirou always was curious when Katsuki made potions or doing some magic with his wand, it interested him very much over time Katsuki got use to Eijirou being around and taught him how to make potions and use magic, it was fun between the two. The red head demon was pretty helpful with customers, making sure everything was ok with the hut and the area that was Katsuki's territory. The two had a few battles with the villagers who wanted to destroy Katsuki's hut and along with his research, potions, magic books it annoyed Katsuki but he was glad to have Eijirou by his side to help him with the bastards that threaten their home.

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