Alternative Meeting

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The sky was cloudy, thunder was heard, Katsuki Bakugou a Bandit King has just got finished fighting some group wanting to steal his gold and gems he had. Once he killed them he continued on just as the rain started falling he noticed something large in the middle of a dirt path. He slowly walked toward it and saw it was a dragon, it looked hurt as it was groaning and letting out low growls. Katsuki slowly went to it and it saw him, it stared at Katsuki and closed its eyes thinking he was going to finish it. He may be hot tempered and cold but he had passion for animals, this is the first time seeing a dragon thinking they were extinct. He kneels beside it, it made a scared expression and moved its head away a bit, Katsuki hushed it" shh it's alright... I won't hurt you..." he places his hand on its head and smiled, he saw it had a cut above its eye" he smiled softly and moves its head onto his lap" you lost and honorable battle" he saw the wound marks on its body and the blood mixing with the mud. He pets its head and smiled" you're a true warrior Dragon, how would you like to me my dragon and servant?" The dragon purrs and closed its eyes, moved its wing over Katsuki, he smiled" I'll take that as a yes. Name's Katsuki Bakugou, the Bandit King. I should name you since I shouldn't call you just Dragon... Eijirou will be your name" and that formed a close bond between the two a Bandit King and his dragon.

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