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Erikas pov

I stepped out of the car, as Pete grabbed my bags.

"I'll show you your room," he smiled.

"Thanks, Pete." I muttered jokingly.

I saw Patrick look at me, mischievously. His face had embarrassment written all over it.

"Sorry," I chuckled, "It was just too tempting."

He loosened up and we walked in.

My jaw dropped as I saw the interior of my new home. There was a large kitchen with a black fridge about six feet tall. The countertops were black granite. The dining room had a small chandelier hanging above a nice mahogany table. The living room was large with a black couch sitting in front of a flatscreen television.

Pete led me upstairs. there was a long hallway with 10 rooms. We walked to the end. We stopped at the very last room. He opened the door and led me into the room. It was perfect! The walls were black. In the corner sat a large bed with dark blue covers. There was a small table in the other corner. Stacked on top was every Fall Out Boy album ever. The dresser was painted midnight blue and there was a small window on the wall.

Pete smiled, "You like it?"

"It's perfect!" I screeched.

"Good," he grinned.

I flew at Pete. He staggered back as I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

"No prob," he smiled, "Welcome home!"

He left me to unpack.

About 10 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see a boy, about my age with a t shirt and basketball shorts on. He had dark hair that swept over his face.

"Hi," he grinned at me, "I'm Declan, Patrick's son."

I smiled back, "I'm Erika,"

"Dad told me to give you the tour," he muttered.

"Okay," I chirped.

He led me out of the room and pointed to the one in front of me. "That's my dads room." He then led me to the one next to it, "That's Petes,"

I nodded as we continued.

He pointed to the one next to mine, "That's my room," he grinned at me.

"Cool, neighbor," I chuckled.

We walked down the hall to the next two rooms, "That's Bronx's room. He's pretty quiet. Most of the time he's got his earbuds in. He's a huge nerd. He just writes."

"Sounds like me," I muttered.

"You like writing?" Declan asked.

"Yeah, I love it!" I gave him a soft smile.

"What kind of stuff?" he chuckled

"Don't judge, but mostly fan fictions and songs,"

"I love writing music! And I can tell, you look like one to write fanfictions."

We watched the door open to our left. A girl who looked about 18 stepped out. Her long brown hair was curled at the bottom. She wore a long sleeve My chemical romance shirt. "Declan, what are you do-- Who's this?

"This is Erika. Don't you remember? They were adopting a kid?"

"Now?" she asked, "I thought they were going to wait a few weeks,"

"Ruby, does it matter?"

"No, I'd just like to know when things like this happen,"

"I thought they told you," he replied.

"They didn't," She said, turning to me.

"Hi I'm Ruby, Joes daughter,"

"Hi," I grinned, "I love your shirt!"

She smiled, "I like you already," she said, before turning back into her room.

We continued to the next door, "That's Elsa's room. She's Andys daughter."

I grinned and looked at the door.

We then made our way to the door across the hall. That's Saints, Everyone calls him Laslo though,"

We finally made it to the end of the hall, "And here's Andy and Joes rooms," he muttered, pointing to each room.

He led me downstairs into the living room, "Our living room, but I'm guessing you knew that."

He then led me into the dining room "This is our dining room. It's nice isn't it?"

I nodded as he led me into the kitchen, "And the end of the tour, The kitchen!"

I laughed as Patrick walked in, "So... You like the place?"

"Yes!" I smiled, "I love it!"

"I'm glad you do," patrick laughed.

My smile grew wider. I was home. I'm home

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