What did you do?

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Declan's pov.

I held my fathers hand as he drifted off. He looked so peaceful, but I know he was in unbearable pain.

I'm going to try something. Something that could kill me. At least I'll save him.

We all have the power to revive, but the sickness or wound must be transferred to the reviver.

I pulled my hand away from Erikas and gave her a soft grin.

I squeezed my fathers hand and closed my eyes. I focused and almost at once a pain shot through my stomach. I felt the warm drip of blood fall from the wound.

Almost at once I heard Erika yell, "Declan! What did you do?!"

I only could look her in the eye and choke out, "Revival,"

Patrick's pov

I woke with a jolt. The pain was gone. How was it gone?

Then I heard something that I dreaded. It was Declan. His voice was hoarse, "Revival," he said.

No no no no no. this can not be happening. My own son giving his life away for mine.

"What?!" Joe yelled, "Declan, it'll kill you!"

"But it'll save him!" Declan screamed.

I gave him a soft glance. "Declan, give me your hands,"

"No! I'm not gonna lose you!"

"You'll lose me either way; now give me your hands."

He reluctantly put his shaky hands in mine, "I love you."

"I love you too, Dec," I said, closing my eyes. I focused and almost at once, the pain returned.

I looked up. Joe did as well. His eyes widened, "PETE!" he screamed.

It was too late. The truck flew into us with so much force that it sent us rolling down the hill.

I heard glass crack and I realized I hadn't had a seatbelt on. I felt a sharp pain on the top of my head. Then, darkness.

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