Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

    Logan and I have been dating for three weeks, exactly. I honestly haven’t been happier in my memory, yes I do know how cheesy that sounds, and I don’t care at all; it’s 100% true. Mr. Ron’s noticed the difference, too. I never come into the music room sad or upset, I come in happy and bubbly. Logan’s taken me to a few movies, and out to a few dinners, nothing big or fancy, but I don’t care. I’m pretty nervous about tomorrow, Christmas Eve. Why, you might ask; I have no clue whatsoever. I have his gift, I have Mr. Ron’s gift, there is a foot of snow on the ground; but I’m still nervous. I decide it’s because I’m worried he won’t like the Call of Duty game I got him and push it to the back of my mind.

   Logan helped my set up a small, artificial Christmas tree in my room. Its lights twinkle as I dress warmly to walk to the music room. Logan is going to walk with me because he says, and I quote, “Doesn’t want me to walk anywhere alone,” and “loves to hear me play.” I don’t mind, it’s nice to have someone other than Mr. Ron care about me for once. Mr. Ron even gave Logan the ‘Father Talk’ as I call it. The one where they threaten the lives of any boy that hurts their daughter. That was an interesting conversation. I dress in a sweater, overcoat, boots, and jeans to walk across campus in the snow.

   The campus is all but abandoned. Logan, Mr. Ron, a few lunch ladies, and I are the only people on campus. Everyone else’s Christmas break started on Friday- today is Monday. Logan and I walk in silence to the music room. We walk with his arm around my shoulders the whole way; it keeps me warm in the December air. We get to the music room and I sit down at the bench, Logan sits beside me.  I start to play Ode to Joy by Beethoven, it’s very happy and cheerful; this makes it perfect for the Holidays in my opinion.

    When I’m just a few bars into the piece something happens that surprises me. Logan starts to play, and play really well, too.  I didn’t know he could play at all, let alone that well, but he keeps up with me as I switch from the solo version of the piece to the duet. I play the higher part and the melody, while my boyfriend plays the lower part and harmony. The two parts mold together perfectly as our hands move up and down our halves of the piano. Logan has no trouble playing at all, his hands are large enough that they can easily stretch the lower octaves; my hands aren’t nearly as large, but I still have no trouble playing at all.  We both end the piece on a happy, major chord and slowly move our heads to look at each other. His blue eyes capture my green ones and I’m so happy that I don’t think that even flying around with Faries, Unicorns, and kittens could have made me happier.  I feel warm, and bubbly all over. My heart starts to beat really fast and I probably wouldn’t notice, or care if a meteor came and wiped out the entire human population except us two. That’s when I realize something.

I’m in love with Logan Jacobs.


Haha, you thought this was the end of the chapter didn’t you? It was going to be, but I decided it was too short. Keep scrolling my pretties.

   I can’t be in love with Logan. I don’t know how many times I’ve told my heart and brain that in the past minute, but it isn’t working, I’m still in love with Logan Jacobs. My mind is filled with doubts based off books I’ve read and stories I’ve heard of people that fell out of love. Almost always, your first boyfriend rips your heart out and tears it to shreds; at least that’s what I’ve heard. The only people and memories of people I’ve ever loved were ripped away from me; I don’t want that to happen to me again. I’m afraid to be in love, I’m afraid that I’ll lose them again. I can’t lose Logan; he’s the only friend I’ve ever had. All these thoughts and doubts run through my head faster than Mr. Bolt at the Olympics. I’m still looking in Logan’s eyes, they captivate me and all my doubts suddenly vanish when I come back into focus on them. I decide not to say anything, I don’t want him to reject me and tear my heart out; that’s happened too many times already.

“Since when have you been able to play like that?” I ask to take my mind off love.

“Since I was a kid, my mom taught me when I was little; but I haven’t played in ages.” He replies

“That doesn’t sound like someone who hasn’t played in ages.” I say accusingly.

“I played a lot before my dad shipped me here, but that was months ago.”

“But not ag- LOOK LOGAN IT’S SNOWING!!!!!!!!” I shout, noticing the snow starting to fall outside the music room window. No matter how old I get, or how many times I see snow, I will always yell when I see it start snowing.

   “Well, then let’s get down there.” He laughs at my sudden mood change. I run down the stairs and out the doors, to the courtyard in outside the Arts building. Apparently, it had been snowing for a while because there was at least an inch of snow on the ground. I spread my arms out wide and throw my head back. I was very happy until I got hit in the back of the head with something cold and wet. I wouldn’t have cared about getting hit with a snow ball, except that it knocked my panda toboggan off my head. I pick up my hat, shove it on my head, and go out to search for the perpetrator. Logan mysteriously disappeared after I got hit, but I could hear him laughing behind the Sweetheart Tree.

    The Sweetheart Tree is this big, old oak tree that the school was built around. It’s called the Sweetheart Tree because it’s where two sweethearts met there before the school was built. The meetings were secret because the girl’s father didn’t approve of the boy. They met here every other night, and eventually made plans to elope. Sadly the girl’s father found out, and he cared more about the family’s honor than his daughter’s life and happiness. He followed her one night and beat the boy within an inch of his life, the boy was left for dead as the father drug his daughter home; kicking, screaming, and begging for the boy’s life. The boy survived and they did end up getting married in a secret ceremony under this tree. All of this happened in the late eighteenth century, but the story is still popular and a lot of couples meet here. It’s called the Sweetheart Tree after the two sweethearts, and the many couples that have met here over the centuries. It’s considered good luck in your relationship if you kiss under the tree, getting engaged here is also considered good luck.

   My sweetheart currently hides behind this tree, laughing his butt off. I come around the tree with a large snowball in my hand, and throw it in his unsuspecting face. “This means war, Mel. This means war.” He says threatening playfully, while we each gather large handfuls of snow. We don’t even bother making balls out of the snow; we just throw handfuls of the white powder. After several minutes of ‘war’, as Logan called it, I’m almost out of energy; Logan looks just as tired. I’m a competitive person and refuse to lose, so I grab one last handful of snow, and look around for him. My target has disappeared. I start to get a little worried when I can’t find him.

   That’s when two strong arms wrap around my waist, and scare me so bad that I drop all the snow in my hand. “It’s just me, Mel. No need to jump so high.” Logan says, and I turn around in his arms. I’m now face-to-face with him, or face-to-chest. I’m only five foot three inches, while Logan is a whopping six foot one inch tall. I tilt my head up so I can look at him better. He really is the most handsome male I’ve ever seen, on or off the movie screen. His black curls sweep over his forehead gracefully, while his icy blue eyes stare at me with a pleasant emotion that I don’t recognize. He slowly bends down, and I push up on my tip toes.

Our lips meet in the middle, and we kissed while the snow fell, underneath the Sweetheart Tree.


This IS the end of the chapter. What did you think of Melody’s first kiss? Or is she just dreaming? You never know I could’ve done that, but I didn’t. Good bye for now beautiful people. You are all beautiful; anyone who doesn’t think so can click their Ruby Slippers back to Kansas.

Smile, it increases your face value.

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