Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty- Five




   That word was repeating over and over again in my nightmare like a ghost was whispering it. I’m not sure what I’m running from, but it must be bad, because I’m terrified of whatever it is. I’m running through a dark forest, trees rise like shadowy giants from the ground. The full moon is high overhead, small creatures fly in the sky. It all looks like it walked out of a Halloween movie. I’m running, and something big is getting closer behind me. It makes my heart pound harder, and my legs push harder. A familiar voice whispers up from behind me, “You can’t run forever.” Oh, yeah? Watch me. I run farther,

   I’m not sure where I am or where I’m running to, I just hope it’s far away from the thing chasing me. Sadly, I don’t think that’s happening. A stupid tree root comes up and trips me, like Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas. I meet the grass, which isn’t that soft up when you crash land into it. I groan and roll over, knowing that the thing chasing me is standing right behind me. Yup, it’s a thing, not a human. A human has a conscience, heart, and soul. This thing in front of me has neither, judging by what it did to me and the evil smirk on its face.

   Chase Andrews looks down at me, I instantly try to move backwards. The surrounding tree roots weave around me to form a cage. There is enough space between the roots to see and reach my hand through. Chase crouches in front of the organic cage. “You really thought you could run? You’re going to be easier to take care of than I thought.” I don’t think that means he wants to take me in. I put my hand on a bar to steady myself, then I slam it into the side if Chase’s nose. He loses his balance and falls right on his butt. I’m quite pleased to see his nose pointing to the side instead of straight forward. He looks like he’s about to kill somebody, and seeing as I’m the closest thing, I’m just a little worried. The roots unwind themselves from the cage form. I’m just about to make a run for it again when the roots wind around my ankles and wrists. They pull me up so they are supporting me in midair. This is just way too much magicy mayhem for me. It’s cool on the big screen, not so cool in real life.

 “Going organic now?” I ask.

“I guess you could say that. Now, why’d you have to go and break my nose? You’re just making things harder for yourself.”

“Psh, like you were ever going to make things easy.” I say, “Might as well go all out.”

“I admire your spirit,” He says. “But it’s going to get you killed. It’s what got your family killed, your spirit.”

“How the heck do you know more about my family than I do?” I’m honestly curious.

“I have connections. You get to meet my connections very soon, in fact. They aren’t nearly as kind as I am.”

   “Wow, is this just a thing for your group? Making Star Wars references when you talk about your superiors? First Chuckles the not so happy clown, now you?”

“It’s true, though. If you think I’m mean, they’re brutally cruel.”

“They sound practically perfect in every way.” I say the last part in an imitation of Mary Poppins.

“You never cease to amaze me.”

“Sorry, I’m taken. Heaven help the girl you fall for.” The last comment isn’t taken very well, as he slaps me so hard that I see stars. I slowly turn my stinging face back to look at him.

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