From @acrazedwriter | Aug. 8, 2019

38 1 5

  - tagged by acrazedwriter (hallelujah I was so bored)

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- tagged by acrazedwriter (hallelujah I was so bored)

10 things about myself:

- I speak English, Russian, and am learning Spanish

- I'm working on making a kid's poetry book w/ illustrations

- I met my best friend on Wattpad (we're online buddies)

- My favorite Webtoon comics are unOrdinary, The Croaking, LUMINE, and Castle Swimmer (go check those out they are amazhang)

- I go up a grade for math

- Lesbiaaaaaan

- I lived in Houston TX for 6 years

- My mom was born on April Fools Day and her little brother was born on New Year's Eve

- I own a teddy bear that's bigger than me (I'm 5'6)

- I have a Bengal cat and a Husky

- I have a Bengal cat and a Husky

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For the sake of privacy :P

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For the sake of privacy :P

A joke by me:

- What did one yellow crayon say to the other yellow crayon?
- "Well yellow there"

A spoiler:

Uhh for the next chapter in PJO/HOO Oneshots Percy uses blood-bending and everyone is terrified of him (if i ever finish writing it that is)


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25- questionmxrk
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