You're an Animal

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The sun passed over the moon, as Michael drove at top speeds. There was only  one place he could go and that was his cousin's place. He didn't see her as often as he liked because of Joseph, but she never failed to be there in his time of need. He looked over at Jasmine she was very unconscious from all of the excitement. Michael tried not to think of Derrick and what he'd done. Every since Derrick's ex made a pass at Michael he'd been after him. Michael focused on the drive making a  right turn keeping straight for another mile then he made a  left. He continued on for twenty more minutes then drove straight through to the tall gates that lead to Sabrina's house. As he parked, Jasmine exhaled with slight movement,but she remained  unconsious. After getting Jasmine out of the car and closing the door with his foot he walked to the side of the house where Sabrina was waiting with the door opened.


"Michael. Oh my God! I thought I heard you from miles away. Who is this?" Sabrina asked frantically.

"My date" He exhaled walking farther inside.

"It happened, again? Huh?"she asked patting Michael'shoulders.

 "Apparently!" He scoffed with sarcasm. "Where can I lay her? I'm sure, she'll be up soon" He exclaimed.

"My room would probably work. Daddy will never come in there."she explained walking down a flight of stairs with Michael in tow. He lay her on the bed and covered her over with a blanket.  He and his cousin Sabrina walked to the kitchen for something warm to drink. They  sat there for over an hour with Michael in silence.  All of a sudden Michael groaned out staring down at the floor sighing he couldn't believe he let Derrick bring out that side of him.

"Who is Derrick and what happened?"Sabrina asked.

"He's no one you know. Just some punk who can't mind his own business."

"Okay. Well who's the girl in my room?"she said pouring more tea in her cup.

"She's just a girl. That's all you need to know."

"Okay! Be secretive all you want. But it's not fair to involve me when I'm the only one who helps when you get in to these situations. "

Michael exhaled and looked up at his cousin after sitting his cup down. "It's not that. I... I just wanted to tell her about me before she saw me that way. No matter how I think it's going to be different something always happens. "

"I don't want to sound like uncle Joe, but Maybe you need to find someone like you."she shrugged her shoulders.

 "Not what I wanna hear right now."he said as Jasmine walked in the kitchen. He stood on his feet and hesitantly asked if she was alright.

She stared  a little dazed asking where they were. She closed her eyes to think and her memory plagued her.  Michael stood by wanting to touch her but the way she stared at him made him think otherwise. "Michael I asked where are we?"

"At  my cousin Sabrina's house."he sighed and Jasmine's eyes turned to his cousin.  She waved and smiled at Jasmine.  "Maybe you should sit down."Michael told her.

"No I don't want to sit. I wanna know what happened. One minute you have on a mask and the next minute I have no clue what or who you are."

"It's hard to explain,Jasmine.  I -I wanted to tell you. But I..."

"Michael did you see yourself tonight? I know Derrick is complete scum,but you could've hurt him badly." She yelled.

"Just listen to me."he said as Sabrina cut him off.

"Michael go down to the basement. Let me fix Jasmine  some tea."she smiled and nodded at Jasmine.  "And then she'll meet you down  there. "Sabrina offered.

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