𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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'i should change my whole personality'

Henry's POV

It was the greatest time ever... LUNCH! All the grades have lunch together because of our GIGANTIC lunch rooms. I'm a senior in high school and I hate it. Everything about it. The stress, the pressure from people, colleges, etc. But there is one person who makes being a senior great. Ani Tilki. She is so beautiful. I just love everything about her, her laugh, her smile, how soft she is and just EVERYTHING! I wish I could tell her but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I've known her since she was 3 and I was 5. Basically everyone in our group knows I like her except for her. They've known for about a month. I don't know what to do anymore so I'm just gonna eat my lunch. 

"What's up losers!" Brandon exclaimed to his group of friends.

"I'm pretty good fatty." Ani said behind a giggled laughter

Her giggles. Her sweet, sweet giggles. The way her dimples indent whenever she talks, smiles or laughs. It's so calming and welcoming.

"HEY!!" Brandon yelled

"I mean she's not wrong idiot." I chimed in.

"OOOOOOOO!" Everyone said in unison except Ani who was slightly blushing along with me.

"Shut up you crackheads!" I say trying not to be embarrassed.

They always take things out of perspective. All I was doing was agreeing with her and they made it seem like I was proposing to her. I guess they're pretty good at that.

There was awkward silence until Ani broke it by saying, 

"Hey Christina!" 

"Oh hey! Sorry I was late, I got in trouble for throwing a pencil at this kid that called me a 'depressed emo goth girl' because i wore black today" Christina said with an annoyed tone.

We talked. And talked. And.. you guessed it... TALKED until the bell rang for us to go to 5th period.


"So can someone tell me what the sun is?" Mrs.Munoz asked the class like we were in the sixth grade.

"WE ARE'NT IN THE 6TH GRADE ANYMORE!" Tyler yelled to the teacher

Mrs.Munoz gasped so loud we thought she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. 

"That was so disrespectful Mr.Wirks. You need to apologize RIGHT NOW!" She said with the most over dramatic drama queen tone ever.

"Oh Mrs.Munoz I'm so, so sorry for TELLING THE TRUTH! Why are you guys teaching us these things? WE ARE SENIORS, NOT 6TH GRADERS!" Tyler exclaimed

Tyler was the type to think that he's woke about school things when in reality he says everything that EVERYBODY says. Most things he says  that ARE actually 'woke' he got from Christina. Christina is usually the ACTUAL woke one in our group.

*time skip to the end of the day, everyone in going to the cars and buses*

"Alright guys...and gals who's house are we going to today?" Charlie questioned the group.

I've always felt like Charlie or Alex had a crush on Ani or Christina. The way they changed up their act every time the came around. It wasn't the normal 'I should e nice to them cause they're girls' it was 'I should change my whole personality' and it was kind of  aggravating.

"Well we can't go to my house,"  Ani explained. "my parents are arguing."

"Again? I'm so sorry Ani." I said attempting to comfort her.

"Nah, it's cool. It's kind of affecting my older brother and younger sister more than me. I mean being a middle child there isn't really that much attention I can get so I'm pretty chill." Ani told us.

"Oof mate. We can't do it at my house either. My family is visiting from Mexico." Alex told the group.

I just hated how insensitive Alex was to Ani's situation. He could have at least acted with some compassion to her.

"Well we could do it at my house because my parents are out of town and my older sister is at her campus this year." I explain (a/n i don't no their actual family life and i dont feel like looking it up so.)

"Alright. Now everyone needs to get in a car and drive to Henry's house." Christina said.

"Since there is 2 cars and 6 of us and we can do math 3 people in a car." Brandon explained with a rude tone.

"Well is it cool if my little sister and her boyfriend come? She won't need a ride, I'll get her an Uber. I'm supposed to babysit and I-" Ani was saying before I interrupted her.

"Yes she and her boyfriend can come. I mean the more the merrier i guess!" I said

"Okay, great! I will just text her the Uber info while we're in the car. Speaking of cars, EVERYONE GET IN ONE" Ani yelled.


This is my first Wattpad story. Constructive criticism IS welcome.

I might make a separate little authors note where i can talk about the Slazo situation. idk yet.

I hope you guys like it! 

Hugs, kisses, good blessings, and good prayers will be sent your way.


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