Chapter Six | Cult

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It'd been nearly a year now since Ricky and Ryan had seen their apartment. Given the amount of bank accounts under stolen identities they had, they were easily able to hide their penthouse from authorities when they were caught. And, thanks to the modern day convenience of auto pay, the mortgage payment was never late during their time in prison.

As soon as they were in the safety of their own hideout, they wrapped their arms around each other and indulged in a deep kiss. If there's anything worse than being away from your love for a year, it's being right next to them and unable to see or speak to them. The agony of knowing the other one was just on the other side of their cell's wall had done damage to their hearts.

"Would you mind saving that until later?" Chris calmly requested.

Ricky groaned, glaring at their kidnapped felon. Ryan gently placed a hand on his jaw and guided his eyes forward. "Be nice. I'd be grumpy too if I had to drink my meals for a year. I'm going to cast a protection spell on apartment. Try to get that muzzle off of him, okay?" He let go of his partner, walking towards the window to begin enchanting the border.

"What happened, anyways? Why'd you wait until now to break out?" Chris asked.

"Ryan's power doubles on Halloween." Ricky replied, "The Rivière Noire Society probably knew that, which is why Croc let himself get caught."

"The who society?"

"Rivière Noire. It's French for black river, which in their religion has to do with the end of the world. They were the ones who hired us to capture you. You know, before you got us caught." Ricky knelt down beside him, observing the high tech muzzle they'd placed on him.

"3413." Chris muttered.

He raised an eyebrow. Ricky entered the code, and sure enough, it unlocked the device. "You knew the combination and you just left it on?"

"Unlike you, I wanted to be in 42. I can't hurt people in there. And I'm a lot safer from people like you, too."

He began removing the bandages over Chris' eyes, responding, "Well, to be fair, if we knew at the time that you could resurrect people, we probably wouldn't have accepted the job. I wouldn't want to get involved in something that's pretty counterproductive to my normal line of work."

"I still don't get why you decided to take him with us." Ryan piped in, "Rivière Noire will come looking for him."

"Because, frankly, I'm concerned what they want to do with his power." Ricky looked back to Chris, sighing, "Stay here with Ryan. I'll go get us something to eat. Complain all you want about us breaking you out of prison, but don't deny that you miss solid food."

He grabbed a hair band off the TV stand and restrained his black locks into a pony tail. Ricky changed into something with a hood on it to help hide his face, then left the apartment. Chris glanced over to Ryan, giving him a questioning look. Should Ricky really be going for a stroll in the city not even an hour after he escaped incarceration? Ryan reassured him that Ricky could handle himself, despite the fact that he got apprehended once before.

On the other side of the planet, a starry midnight sky hung overhead a mansion located in England's rural countryside. A bright flash of light filled the windows, causing one sleepless occupant to rush outside to investigate. He was a tall man, standing at 6'6", with feathery black hair that fell down between his shoulder blades. His aura often proceeded him when he entered a room. Despite his affiliations and actions in life, his soul was known to radiate tranquility and calm those in his company.

He was nearly at the loss for words when he set eyes on the sight before him. Though he had been involved in the prison break's plan, he had little faith in it's success. His sights first fell upon the dark angel, still on his knees. The man knelt down to Beau's level, caressing his face.

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