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When you guys got to the party there were already tons of people there. You and noen went in and it got quite.
You kept hearing whispers all around the same things too.
???: is that them
???: I though he was in the hospital
???: Steve is going to fuck her tonight
???: aren't they dating
???: she's just a hoe we all know it
You saw a back door and went out too it. Noen ran after you and you sat on a bench outside. There was nobody out there besides you two.
Noen: if you want to go home we can
Y/n: no it's fine we came here for you. Let's just find chase
You guys went back in and looked for chase.
Chase: hey!
He came over and started dancing. You laughed and avani came over.
Avani: he will be completely wasted by the end of the night
She pointed to noen and he rubbed the back of his neck.
Y/n: well good thing we didn't drive here
You smiled and went over to get a drink for you and noen. You came back and handed him his. You guys were there for a few hours until noen was pretty destroyed.
Noen: heyyyyy baby girl
He stumbled and put his arm around you.
Y/n: ok well noen its time to go we have an Uber waiting.
Noen: ok lets go
You guys went outside and got in.
Uber: assuming it was a party by how drunk he is
Y/n: yeah
When you guys got back you decided to go to noens house. You helped him up to his room and he kissed you.
Noen: let's have some fun tonight
He put his hands up your shirt and you pulled them down.
Y/n: you're drunk lay down
Noen: please
He pulled you towards him and tried to kiss you while squeezing you're butt.
You pushed him off you and he hit the floor. His parents came in the room and looked at you two.
N/d: everything alright
Y/n: um...yeah I have to go home
You ran down the stairs and out the door. You could feel tears forming in your eyes as you made it up to your room. You shut the door and layed on your bed. You started to cry and you got up. You went over to your drawer and put your hands on the handles. You held them for a minute before walking away. You don't remember when but at some point you fell asleep.
Noens pov:
When I woke up I was on the floor. My head was pounding and I went downstairs. My mom and dad looked at me and frowned.
Noen: what
N/d: you might wanna get over there and apologize to her. Whatever you did she wasn't having it.
Noen: I'll be right back make me some coffee please
I ran out the door over to y/ns. I knocked on the door and her mom opened it.
Noen: is y/n upstairs
Y/m: yeah but she mi-
Noen: thanks
I went up to her room and opened the door and she looked at me then back at her book.
Y/n: hey. Why are you here so early
Noen: I came to apologize for whatever I did last night.
Y/n: ok well you did and they door is right there
Noen: you aren't going to tell me what happened?
Y/n: what that you tried to force me to have sex with you? Nope I thought I should leave that out. Now like I said the door is right there.
Noen: oh my god y/n I'm so sorry!
Y/n: yup I got it
I went over to her bed and set in front of her. I could tell she was trying to ignore me.
Noen: are we going to play this game
Y/n: who said we were playing a game
I took the book out of her hands and looked at her.
Noen: I love you so much and I really am sorry. I want you to forgive me because I really like you and I want things to eventually work out.
Y/n: noen it was like you were that kid at school. I-I told you no and you still tried to...
I could see tears forming in her eyes so I pulled her close to me. I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
Y/m: everything ok in there?
she sat up straight and wiped her eyes.
Y/n: great I'm crying at 9 am
She sniffled and wiped her eyes again.
Noen: do you wanna go out today? Since we have school tomorrow.
Y/n: um yeah where too
She took her hair out and brushed it.
Noen: i was thinking we could go to Florida for a few days until everything gets sorted in school.
Y/n: sounds fun
Noen: do you wanna bring avani and chase
Y/n: sure
Noen: ok I'll let them know
She grabbed an outfit from her drawer and set it on the bed. She grabbed some shoes and accessories.
Noen: well I'll be back in an hour. I'll tell everybody to meet here I guess
Y/n: ok bye
She grabbed her stuff off the bed and went into the bathroom. I left and started to get ready and everything
End of POV
When you were setting your clothes down you decided to dye your hair again. You bleached it and put the dye in. When you were done you had just enough time to take a shower and get dressed. Your hair was now a silver color and you wore this.

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