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"It's nearly your birthday." Haechan cheered, dropping onto the bed next to Mark, who instinctively wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer to stuff his head into Haechan's neck, enjoying the soft skin against his cheeks. "You're gonna find out who your soulmate is."

"I'm really hoping it's you." Mark said, closing his eyes and inhaling Haechan's smell, which was sweet like strawberries, since he had just taken a shower. "The second I get my mark, I swear I'll call you and tell you everything."

"You will...I hope." Haechan replied, trailing his hand down Mark's head and then to his arm. He intervined their fingers and then kissed the top of Mark's head. A small amount of sadness filled him, as he thought about what was going to happen tomorrow night. Mark would first experience a crap ton of pain, which Haechan wouldn't be able to get rid of, and there was also the possibility that Haechan wouldn't be Mark's soulmate, causing even more dread to build up inside of him.

He hatred the concept of a soulmate. A stupid tattoo on their wrist could lead to people who hate each other to be forced to live together. And that, well, happened to Haechan's parents. They got forced to get married, since if soulmates don't, they get killed. The horrible, and clearly disastrous, marriage lead to two people being incredibly unhappy, and spending more than half of their life trying to ruin the others joy. Their constant arguing made Haechan disgusted at the thought of soulmates and he honestly believed they were more of a curse than a blessing, like what other people thought they were.

"I need to go home." Haechan said after about an hour of laying down in the bed. He had come to Mark's house with the intention to complete some work, but ended up floating between the dream realm and reality. "I'll see you later."

Haechan leaned forwards and pecked Mark's lips, which pouted as Mark watched his boyfriend leave the room. They had been dating for the past year or so now, and their first meeting was actually pretty awkward. Mark entered the class and ran over to the back, hoping to get the seat furthest away from the teacher, mostly because he didn't like the judgy eyes he received from the people behind him because of his crazy blonde hair. Haechan then stumbled in, ignoring the looks he got for his dusty silver hair, and then took a seat next to Mark.

They sat in silence, both sneaking glances at each other, admiring their beauty, and then pretending as if they had just not caught a other staring at them. The first to make the move, obviously, was Haechan. He whipped his head to the left and leaned on his elbow, lips twitching up into a slightly crooked smile. He asked Mark why he was blonde, and Mark countered it with a, 'why are you silver?'. Both of them had no idea how to start a conversation, but still forced some small talk, cringing at how awkward they must've seemed.

Finally, however, Haechan sighed and told Mark that he looked cute. Mark, who was surprised by the sudden compliment, blushed deeply as Haechan kept his eyes on him. After a few seconds, Mark cooled down and then returned the compliment. They laughed a little, embarrassed at the fact that they found it so hard to speak, and then started talking more casually. Within a few weeks, they clicked into place, and were known as the most closest friends. Only a few months after that, Mark, who had been trained by Jaemin, confessed to Haechan, handing him a watermelon.

Haechan blinked at him with confusion, taking time to process what had happened, before widening his eyes and stuttering uncontrollably. Seeing Haechan in such a flustered state, Mark couldn't help but feel proud as he was the first, and last, person who could do that.

It wasn't that hard, Mark had thought, when he told his parents that he was into guys, and currently dating his best friend. He watched as his mum sighed, and his dad let out a loud 'yes', before turning to his wife to collect his reward for winning the bet. He later found out that they placed a bet on who would confessed first. And truth be told, Mark would've thought that Haechan would confess first, like his mum.

Their relationship was stable, and in fact going pretty well. Mark was able to help Haechan with all his family issues, being there to comfort him whenever he felt down, or emotionally stressed. And it wasn't only Mark who was the support in the relationship, Haechan was also there for Mark, way too many times. Whenever Mark would feel the sickening feeling in his stomach as he made his way up the stage, too embarrassed to perform, or when he felt conscious about the small amount of weight he gained, which Haechan was actually proud of. Haechan would always run a hand through his hair, pulling his closer in the hug and telling him that he didn't have anything to worry about.

"I really hope it's Haechan." Mark said out loud, bringing his wrist up to his eyes and sadly staring at it, scared. Scared that his soul ate wouldn't be Haechan. If the government were to find out that Mark was dating someone else other than his soulmate, then the two would immediately get punished for it. "If it isn't...I don't know what I'll do without Haechan."

Frankly, Mark was a mess before he met Haechan. He wasn't a drug addict, or someone who was too horny, but just extremely awkward and a social mess. He was unable to speak to people properly without thinking about what they might confuse him to be. He was scared that they would imagine him to be a nerd, which he was but not proud enough to accept, or a "typical bad boy" because of his dyed hair and athletic side.

After he met Haechan, who was actually a confident everything, he felt less pressurised to hide his faults or true personality. His joykill side took over whenever his younger friends decided it would be a good idea to do something stupid. And with Haechan, everything seemed a lot more easier. So now, thinking that Haechan wouldn't be with him int he same way he was before, just hit Mark in the hearty pretty harshly.

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