I'm so short I sometimes have to look up to 12-year-olds- Prompt

17 2 7

One thing I hated more than anything, was seeing classmates outside of school. I would rather drink a hot cup of lava from hell than having to spend another moment with those people. The real hell, not Lincoln High's cafeteria.

However, it brought me great joy to see Kasey Rotschilds in the supermarket, struggling to reach a jar of organic peanut butter. She was a tiny fairy of a thing with a voice to match. Which wasn't a bad thing- except it was KASEY ROTSCHILDS. Cute, smart, evil in the flesh, talented, award-winning and evil in the flesh. Nice to teachers and everyone else she liked, the problem was, that only included a total sum of maybe 30 people.

There I was, peeping around the corner of aisle 13, like some sort of prowler, enjoying what I thought was her failing at something, until-

"Hey, let me help you with that."

A handsome dark-haired boy appeared from nowhere, easily reaching over her head and grabbing the jar her tiny hand couldn't reach.

"Thank you so much," she chirped, batting her lashes at him, "I'm so short I sometimes have to look up to 12-year-olds."

"You're right, I have a 12-year-old brother who's a lot taller than you... I guess he takes after me." The boy laughed, flashing her a perfect smile.

I cringed at the sight.

"I'm so short I sometimes have to-ugh gross," I mocked in an unappealing high-pitched tone.

"Is your name Patty or petty?" My brother grumbled behind me.

"Christ, you creep, what do you want?"

"I'm the creep? Anyway, mom said to hurry up, she's in line." He told me before walking away.

"I know what I am," I mumbled, turning back to my former target.

The boy was walking away, smiling and shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. Kasey smiled for a second, waiting for him to leave before tucking the peanut butter under her arm, climbing onto two shelves and grabbing a jar of strawberry jam.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

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