Intro (part 2)

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"Nina, you need to stop hoarding all this stuff. You need to let him go. It's for the best. He would've wanted you to." I tell her as she struggles to push another box into her closet, which is already filled to the brim with boxes, clothes and other meaningless objects. After Matthias died, she's been super depressed. She refuses to eat (unless it's waffles), she doesn't sleep and she hoards anything Matthais gifted her, owned, touched and by all mean SAW! It was getting out of hand!
"Seriously? Do REALLY need the dishes you and Matthais ate off of on one of your dates?" I say as I pick up a box containing two plates and cups and some silverware. But at the mention of Matthais's name, she stops pushing the box and she gets up and walks out of the room. This is a normal reaction to when she hears Matthais's name. I follow her out of her room to find her stretched out on the couch watching TV. I feel really sorry for her. I can't even imagine what she's going through. I don't know what else to do.
I sit down on the couch with her. But just as I get comfortable, the doorbell rings. Nina either doesn't notice or doesn't care. I get up to answer the door, half confused, half curious. I have no clue who it was. I unlock the door and slowly turn the handle. As I open the door, I feel my jaw drop and my heart skipped a beat. I never felt so happy to see that shaggy black haired boy.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I'll try to update sooner next time! 🙂

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