An unexpected guest

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      I don't know what my life has become. Ever since Matthais died, my life's been a train wreak. I will never be able to repay Inej. She saw that I was majorly struggling and she welcomed me into her home. She gave me food, my own room. She's kind of like a mother to me. But I haven't been very cooperative. I refuse to eat and I stay up very late. But worst of all, the hoarding. Anything that reminds me of Matthais, I take it and I put it in my closet and I refuse to get rid of any of it.
         Anyways, I'm laying on the couch and Inej walks in after trying to convince me to get rid of some of my things. I move my legs to give her some room to sit. But not too long after she get comfortable, doorbell rings. I pretend not to hear it. I didn't feel like seeing anyone else today. So she gets up to answer it. I hear the door open and Inej starts speaking. I can't tell in her tone is nervous or surprised. I get up to see who it is. As I turn the corner, shock takes me by surprise. I look over at Inej who is just as surprised as I am.
"What are you doing here? How did you find us?" I ask.
"It took me a while. I've made new enemies. Some more powerful than others. Let just say to never make a bet with an Inferni." He said as I notice the hem of his shirt was blackened and burned. The two of us fall uncomfortably silent and I don't know what else to say. Thankfully the phone rings and breaks the tension between us. I excuse myself and walk out of the room to answer it.
      When I arrived, I wasn't sure how Inej would react to seeing me after all these years. Angry. Excited. Confused. But what I didn't expect was to see Nina at Inej's house. She was looking dreadful. Huge bags under her eyes, baggy clothes that were two sizes too big and she was extremely skinny. I only then realized what had been going on. Nina's probably overcome with sadness after Matthias died. So Inej, being as kind as she is deadly, took her into her home and has been taking care of her.
   Anyway, both of us watch Inej walk out of the room to go answer the phone. Neither of us say a word. We just listen to Inej speaking on the phone. I can't quite make out what she's saying. I hear her finish her conversation and hang up the phone. She walks back into the room which is still silent.
   "Nina pack some of your things. We're going on a little trip" she says as she turns towards Nina. She nods and heads towards the door.
  "I should probably get going" I say as I turn towards the door
  "Oh no you don't. You're coming with us. I've already made promises" she says as she grabs the collar of my shirt. I open my mouth to argue but there's no point.
  "Fine." I say as I roll my eyes " Where are we going." She smirks at me. I immediately regret my decision.
   "Ketterdam" she replies.

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