Chapter 22

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I'm back in the hospital from over dosing and my dad Erica was sitting there mad as hell

Erica: What the fuck were you think Khylah

Khylah: I'm sick and tired of feeling pain all the time I just want it to be over

Erica: Don't day that what happened

Khylah: Well Dee said she don't like me like that and Ashrani told me she's not my friend anymore and I never told her how I felt about her before

Erica: Well tell her before you go to rehab

Khylah: Wait I have to go to rehab

Erica: It's only best

Khylah: Well can you drop me off at her house

Erica: Sure

*A couple of minutes later *

I arrived at Ashrani's house
*knocking on the door*
Ashrani: What do you want Khylah

Khylah: I want to tell you how I feel

Ashrani: What are you talking about Khylah

Khylah: I'm in love with you and I want to be with you leave Matthew and be with me I can show I can treat you better

Ashrani: Khylah I don't like you that way and I'm not with Matthew

Khylah: Well what do you say

Ashrani: Khylah I'm not into girls

Khylah: I'm not fully girl

Ashrani: I know but I don't know

Khylah: Come on Please

Ashrani: I don't like you in that way I'm sorry

Khylah: Really

Ashrani: Khylah I'm sorry

I didn't say anything I just walked away and my mom Cyn picked me up and took me to rehab

Will khylah do something ?
Does Ashrani like Khylah but doesn't know it ?

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