Broken Doors

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Ring! Ring! The school bell sounded. All of the students rushed out the doors and to the bus. All except for one group.

"Hey guys! What's up?" someone from the group asked. It was the voice of Henry, a tall, blonde, brown-eyed male.

"Not much," Charlotte answered, her long, ginger hair flowing through the wind. It definitely brought out her deep blue eyes. She was a little short for a fifteen-year-old, especially compared to Henry, who was sixteen and above the average height for his age.

"Same old, same old," Hannah concluded. She had dirty blonde, shoulder length hair, which matched her hazel eyes defined features. Hannah was about the average person (looks and height-wise). "What about you, Adam? Did you have a good day?"

Adam replied with a nod. He wasn't quite the loud type. His gentle features but dark hair and pale blue eyes matched his sweet yet deep personality. He was a lanky gentleman who loved learning and experimenting.

"Still not up for speakin' huh?" Grace nudged him. She wrapped a long arm around him. "You know I'm just messin' right?" she asked. He nodded. Grace's smile stretched from one green eye to the other. She flicked her short, wavy, sandy-blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"How's about we go to our regular hang?" Will asked. His bright blue eyes darted from person to person, each of them agreeing. He ran a hand through his messy brunette hair.

"Ready to go?" Charlotte led the group down the block until they got to the Out-N-In by the fancy estate. Much to their surprise, the estate had been destroyed. The walls had holes in them, the windows were cracked, and the doors were broken.

"Let's go check it out!" Hannah said. They crossed the street and ran up to the doors to see what was inside. There were cobwebs everywhere, splinters sticking out of the wood, and shattered glass on the floor. The stone walls looked as though they were to fall at any moment.

"Oooo, creepy," Henry taunted.

Everyone walked inside hesitantly. More shattered glass covered the floor, and the cracked wooden boards creaked with every step. The sun shone through the gaps in the walls, making it easier to see. After all, they did not come prepared to investigate a scary estate. Suddenly, the door slammed itself shut. Grace screamed just before the power went out. Everybody rushed to the door and tried to force it open, but nothing worked. They couldn't jump out of the windows or the walls because the holes were too small. All of them were trapped with absolutely no way of escape.

"Help! HELP!" Charlotte shouted, hoping someone could hear her.

"Ugh, it's no use. No one wants to come anywhere near this estate. How are they gonna hear us?" Will asked. Then, to everyone's surprise, Adam spoke (for the first time ever).

"Um, guys?" he gulped. "Look." He was pointing to a hallway to the left of them. Then one to the right. And one right in front. Each hall had a shadowy figure. All the figures were hooded, and each of them had a weapon.

"RUN!" Hannah shrieked. Then the chase began.

Hey y'all! I hope you liked chapter one of Escape the Estate! This is my first time writing for Wattpad, so I hope this story was a great read. Get ready for a major plot twist! Continue reading for more on this adventure or go check out some of the other stories I'm writing.

P.S. I know this chapter is kinda short but I promise I'm working on a longer one! :)

Thanks for reading! -Avery

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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