SuperMan is such a slut

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    Lisa's introduction to the house was short and sweet. She's converted her older son Conrad's room into mine. I thank her multiple times for her generosity. She decorated the room so beautifully. The stream of lights against the pale wall adds a feminine touch. I remain cooped up in my new room the entire weekend.

Monday is here and waiting for my mother to call is the worst. I planned on ignoring her calls until she's had enough and is forced to come back home but we haven't spoken since she left. I figure maybe she is giving me some space. You'd think one thousand some miles would be enough but not for her. I brush my tight curly hair into a pony tail and rush to get dressed. I tuck my plush baggy sage shirt into my boyfriend jeans and slide on my checkered vans.

I check myself out in the mirror and then head to the bus stop. Lisa stops me before I can exit " Hey sweetie, Max is coming down soon ... maybe he can give you a ride?" I cringe at the thought of even being in a car alone with him. I politely thank her and deny her offer.

A sleek grey SUV passes and I duck my head in an attempt to hide. Keyword attempt "Moe Moe," he yells my name and I wince.

" I figured you'd need a lift after a long night at my house." I gasp and look around at the astounded students surrounding me.

My menacing look contradicts my words " No thank you Max, but thank you for the generous offer." He smirks and I look away from the complacent look he has.

" I thought you said your legs were sore you
know, from last night." insincere concern laces his voice and I can't help the grunt that escapes my mouth.

They were sore because this idiot decided playing footsies under the table would be a good idea. I refrained myself several times from kicking him in the balls.

He opens his mouth again but I scurry towards the car "I'm coming" I practically yell. "Just shut the hell up."

I quickly hopped in the front seat in hopes to make his mouth stop. "Great Morning we're having." he says, I put my headphones in tired of his bullshit.

I had the pleasure of not seeing him for majority of the day. Those kids at the bus stop apparently spread a rumor I slept with Max. I remained unbothered I could really care less about the stupid rumors. "Goth slut. Never seen that one before" the pesky senior stood taller than me but that's not odd I'm an average height for a girl.

I shove him outta my way and open my locker "Nice seeing you Christian," his smug smile has never been more apparent.

" So it's true, you slept with him?" I shake my head vigorously and laugh.

"Gosh, that's a dark thought." Chris is far from a friend more like a acquaintance he's not mean, all the time just most.

He's more Alex's friend than mine anyway.

The only reason she still talk to him is because he's fun and his parties are the best in school. "Well my boy Max isn't denying it. You gonna get that under control." People are gonna believe what they want can't stop that.

I shrug "I'm very aware of Maxine's actions. I really could care less." he laughs.


"That's exactly what he's acting like." He chuckles and pats my head awkwardly. I give him a disgusted look "I'm not one your bitches don't pat me!" He laughs harder.

His shaggy blonde hair is just below his eyebrow. His supermodel looks were another bonus for hanging out with him. At first glance his glasses make him look like a safe option for a friend. Which is what I thought. I was proved wrong when he cussed at me for sitting in his spot and told me to move.

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