A Warrior

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[Here we go! Had some writers block so this took a bit]

(Dashlie's p.o.v)

  Blinding pain. Powerful blinding pain, that's what I felt. I got clumsy but I can still make it. I have to I won't die here after everything.

  I was running fast and my heart was pounding. Bleeding I was bleeding, I had to be. No doubt they took a good chunk of my arm when I got free.

  My breath started becoming harsher. It was painful to pull in air…

I won't make it.

  Either way I'll die we've got nothing to treat my injuries and they'll know where Ddawn and Duni are. My eyes shift to a turn that leads deeper into the maze and away from the door.

So many of them are chasing me… here I go!

  Skidding around the corner I let my adrenaline take over and run. Heart pounding as the noise from their razor wings becomes mere background noise. There where so many after me, I won't  look back to count. How long had I been running? How far did I go?

  It didn't matter, just go until you can't anymore. Just run, just run, just….

  My hearts pounding started to hurt as did my lungs and legs. The injury and blood loss where having a deeper affect. I had lost balance at a turn and one of them had gotten me. Talons like knives with a iron grip had wrapped around my arm. Crushing the bones as soon as the grip was all the way around and lifting me up.

  In an instant all of them had started coming at me to collectively tear me to shreds. Only because of a lucky and well placed kick did I live that for long enough to run. And as I fell from the harsh talons they ripped through my skin and flesh. Leaving, deep, jagged bleeding wounds.

   Those injuries would have been my death either way. But I guess this is more of a way to die, I have run far enough. I let my body give in and collapse.

  I turn around to what I know will be my death and sure enough. There they are, those razor like metal feathers and harsh talons.

Good luck Duni

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