The scientst

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(Duni's POV)
I took a step back and put myself in front of Ddawn who was gripping his arm tightly with fear in his eyes. Dawn smirked at us, his arms held behind his back as he walked around us. He seems smug. "Now, now, no need to be so tense. I won't hurt you" he chuckled softly after he spoke and stopped directly in front of me, "I am Dawn, but I'm sure you've guessed that by now." Something about his was just- wrong.

"Follow me." He said and offered me his hand. "What?" Ddawn and me spoke at the same time and Dawn chuckled again. "I have things to show you, so both of you follow me." he spoke so calmly but I could here something hidden in it, it almost sounded like an edge of annoyance. But he walked off to where he came from and- we followed. I kept Ddawn close behind me as I couldn't stand the idea of loosing someone else even if he wasn't my Ddawn. He led us up the stairs of the tower, it seemed the wiring ran throughout the whole building and reacted to both of their presences. It turned a soft blue and glowed brighter around Dawn and it's glow seemed to pulse around Ddawn. We reached the next floor and walked through another lab filled with large test tubes. Inside the test tubes were a variety humans, under developed monsters and small lumps of flesh that seemed to be slowly weaving themselves into humans. I shivered at the sight as we walked into a room separated from the main lab and I heard Ddawn gasp.

"I-...I thought they escaped- I've been looking for them-" "hmm? Oh is that what you've been waisting your time on?"

Dashile, Richard and- Don- floated in test tubes in the room. Dashile and Richard were in the process of turning into monsters but Don was fully changed and seemed to have been torn apart by something- or several things. Dawn gave a demented smile "no need to worry Ddawn. They'll wake up soon."

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