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Daniella and Armon took there kids from trey house and arrived to there house

Armon😍-get upstairs right now I am disappointed in y'all

Daniella❤️-chill they didn't do nun bad

Armon😍-the fuck u mean they were cussing when I was there age and I cusss I wouldn't be black I be white right now

Daniella❤️-bae they young-

Armon😍-what u sound stupid they need to be punish they did a bad thing

Armon jr 🚀-I am sorry dad-

Armon😍-what did I just say get your ass back upstairs

Daniella❤️-I wonder where they got the cussing from

Armon😍-don't act like u don't be cussing now

Daniella❤️-I barely even cuss but who be cussing when they sing talking abt dirty stuff don't be surprise when our kids turns out to be something u didn't expect

Armon😍-hold up u trying to put this on me

Daniella❤️-bae just shut up okay and don't ever talk to my kids like that when they didn't do nun bad now can u please excuse me but I am finna talk with my kids

Armon😍-they my kids too

Daniella❤️-ya but rn u mad and u making them sad rn yes they shouldn't cuss but u ain't have to scream  u was a kid before

Daniella than went up to the room with the kids while Armon stands in the kitchen

Daniella❤️-hey mommy babies

Angel🦋-is daddy mad at us

Daniella❤️-no baby girl he just didn't like how u guys cuss

Armon jr🚀-I am sorry mommy we should of never cuss

Daniella❤️-it okay bumpkin we all make mistakes

Angel🦋-daddy don't love us

Daniella❤️-he do baby don't ever say that he will always love you

Knock knock knock

Armon😍-I am going to Miami with trey I be back in a week bye love y'all

Daniella❤️-hold up u going to leave like that right now

Armon😍-I was going to tell u earlier but I never had a chance

Daniella❤️-bae u not serious

Armon😍-I am I be back in a week

Daniella❤️-what r u even doing in Miami

Armon😍-making music aright I gotta go

Armon than walks out


No respond


No respond

The front door than shuts

Daniella❤️-Armon Rashard Warren

Daniella runs to the window and see Armon pulling off
She couldn't believe her eyes how Armon just left like that and not even telling her before head of time she was pissed but mostly sad
She start to break down and cry

Angel🦋-Mommy it okay

Armon jr🚀-it okay mommy daddy doesn't love us but we love each other 

Daniella pulls them into hugs while her and angel cry's

Armon pov
Ik what u guys thinking why did I just leave like that well I need a break I am tired of being a dad I can't handle this I just need some time off ,being single was soo nice and that what I am going to do but who was I to tell my wife that I want a break she wouldn't want to get back with me after because during the break she find someone new but look a man gotta do what a man gotta do, I am not going to cheat never been the type to do that so don't get the thinking but y'all have to see it from my point of view being a dad ain't easy ...........

Short chapter but it okayyyy
Heyyyy guyssss
Do u think what's Armon doing is okay?
Next chapter will be longer fs

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