Chapter 12

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Toby's POV

I jumped up and followed her "Gemma!" she turned and the bottom of the stairs "I said stay away Toby! I need time for things to calm down! I can't be around you if your going to act like that!" she said slightly sad "But, Gemma I didn't mean to! I'm soo sorry, please, please. Just give me a while to be with you!" I pleaded and she just stared at me and sighed "Fine! One day that's all!" I smiled and hugged her "Thank you! You won't regret it I promise!" she just hugged back and started up the stairs again "But your sleeping in your room tonight!" she said to me and walked to her room closing the door before I protest. I just sighed "okay then." and I walked up to my room and walked in laying on the bed "Ugh... I like sleeping with her, it's nice and warm." I sighed and got up going down to her room I knocked and I didn't hear anything, I turned the knob and opened the door "Gemma?" I walked to her bed and she wasn't in it I looked all over and I noticed the bathroom light on "Gemma?" I walked to the door and turned the door knob "Gemma are you in there?" I heard shuffling "What do you want Toby?" She said tiredly "I couldn't sleep... I-I felt something was wrong." I lied "W-well nothing's wrong... Toby..." I leaned up to the door "Then why... are you in the bathroom?!" I said slightly scared "Just... cleaning?" I glared down at the floor "Was that an answer or a question?" I just heard her scoff "It was and answer! Why would I have said it?" I started getting angry "Open the door Gemma!" I started turning the knob more "No! Just leave me alone!" I started throwing my shoulder into the door and I finally got it open. Gemma was sitting in the floor with cuts on her arms "What the hell?!" I growled and went to the sink pulling out the alcohol and bandages "What the hell were you thinking?! Too much cuts, cause blood lose! Blood lose, causes death!" she stared up at me weakly "I... I'm fine..." She tried pushing me off but was too weak "No your not Gemma!" I growled and finished wrapping her arms. I picked her up and carried her to bed and laid down next to her "Your giving me more than a god damned day!" I said looking at her and she nodded "Fine..." she sighed and snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her waist "Good night Toby..." she said and fell asleep "Good night Gemma..." I smiled and fell asleep with her.

Gemma's POV

I woke up and remembered Toby fell asleep with me. I just stared up at him, sleeping, soundlessly I smiled watching his sleeping face for awhile before he woke up. I smiled "Morning, sorry... for last night..." he just smiled and patted my head "It's alright. And Morning babe." he kissed my forehead and I smile "Now next time! You get all horny on me... I will cut your dick off and make it a necklace." I said with an evil chuckle he looked at me shocked "Then I won't ever do that again!" he smirked and looked into my eyes I smirked back and got up "Just... maybe if I'm ready... I'll have sex with you..." I looked down at him and he blushed jumping off the be and hugged me "Only when I'm ready!" he smiled and kissed my forehead then nodded "Okay!" I grabbed a pair if clothes and started changing. He looked at me weirdly "You aren't going to change in the bathroom?" he only watched my face "Well yeah, I have training today I need to go before I'm late." I said the threw a black hoodie on and gray skinny's "Oh okay." he turned ad went back to the bed and sat down "See you later Toby!" I waved and he waved be "Bye babe." and I walked out heading down the hallway and down the steps. I saw Slender at the bottom "Good morning Slender!" I smiled "Good morning Gemma, ready again?" I smiled and nodded "Yup! Can't wait!" I jumped off the last step and stood in front if Slender.

Slender's POV

Gemma came down the last stair and we walked to the training room "So what are we going to do today?" she asked curiously I looked down at her then back ahead "We'll be training with Masky and Hoodie, they're both proxies still so it won't be as bad if you were fighting Jeff again." she smiled "Okay, how good are Masky and Hoodie?" she said walking in ad seeing them training "And... am I fighting both at the same time?" I looked down at her "They're pretty good, and yes you are." We both walked in. They saw us and stopped, Hoodie smiled and wave "Morning Gemma!" I waved back "Morning Hoodie, Morning Masky!" Masky just looked up and nodded "So Gemma practice right now when all three if you are ready we'll begin the fight." I walked in and teleported to my balcony. She walked in and grabbed the throwing knives and she summoned her sword, Masky and Hoodie seem pretty surprised by that. She walked around throwing her knives, she ran around the room, and she practices using her sword in some dummies-she cut four in half already-. They all finished practicing "Okay Slender we're all done!" Gemma yelled up to me "Get in positions!" I looked over the railing and they were ready, Masky and Hoodie on one side and Gemma on the other "Ready...! Fight!" Masky took off towards Gemma, she watched and dodged him before he got to her "Come on Hoodie you apart of this too, come attack me!" Masky snarled then Hoodie came running after. She smirked and pulled out a throwing knife and got Hoodie in the shoulder "Ahh!" Hoodie grabbed his shoulder and growled at Gemma. Masky came from behind and slashed Gemma's back three times, she laughed like a maniac and turned around swinging her sword, he dodged right in time, she cut the tip of his hair. She smirked and started running after Masky "Ooh, another game of cat and dog... I'm still the dog!" she smirked evilly jumping at Masky and pinned him down on the floor, "Now for the hand-to-hand combat!" she made her sword vanish and started punching Masky in the face and stomach, Hoodie came running and pulled Gemma off of Masky "Oh your turn?" she smirked and grabbed Hoodie's arm and threw him over her shoulder. She started throwing punches to his stomach and then to his face "Ah! Get off me!" he tried pushing her off and failed. She got up leaving Hoodie knocked out on the floor. She walked up to Masky who was trying to get away from her "Now time to finish up. Take out your weapon." She pulled out her throwing knives and he stood up pulling out a knife. "Make the first move, Masky." she smirked as he shook his head "Okay then... Run." his eyes widen and he started to run away from her, she threw her knives and got him on the leg and shoulder. He fell and she walked up to him "Should of made the first move." she got on too of him and punched him in the face knocking him out "End of Fight!" I yelled down and teleported down next to Gemma "Better today than yesterday." she nodded "I'll take them to the infirmary." I nodded and she picked up Masky and walked over to Hoodie as picking him up too. "See you tomorrow Gemma." she nodded and walked out of the door "You'll have a surprise tomorrow." And I teleported to Gemma's room where Toby was "Hey Slender, what's up?" he asked I looked at him "You'll be fighting Gemma tomorrow, this is nothing you can say no to." his eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open "Okay then..." He said "You cannot tell her anything." then I teleported out of the room and into my office.

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