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I wanna make it up

It was two days after what happened

I knocked on the door of her old apartment, the house where she lives before we decided to live together

knock, no answer
knock, no answer
knock, no answer

The door opened on the fourth knock, but it wasn't Nayeon who showed up. A girl opened the door

"Is Nayeon here? Im Nayeon"

"My name is Jiyeon, Im Jiyeon"
"I'm looking for Nayeon"
"She doesn't want to talk to you, you are Seungcheol right?" The 7-year old kid spat.

I sighed and faced her, "I need to talk to her, let me in..please"


"Let him in Jiyeon, and go to your room.." A soft voice said inside, it was her honey voice that makes me smile everytime i hear it.

Jiyeon opened the door revealing Nayeon standing and looking at me.The little girl ran to her room leaving me and Nayeon alone.

"Why are you here, Cheol?" Her voice asked, hurt was evident.
"I..Nayeon, I"

I have to say it, goddamn it, I have to say what I practiced..

"Say it, I have to go somewhere, please don't waste my time" she softly said, it was calm but it made my heart ache.

"Nayeon, I'm sorry, I've been stupid for not taking care of you and not giving you attention. I've been stupid, planning and saving about the future, I forgot to pay attention to us, to our present.." I took a deep breath and looked at her, I can't read her eyes..

"Nayeon, I love you so much.

Let me make it up on you"

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