Chapter 3- Shall We Begin?

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 I was half awake when I stumbled back into the little office; the smell of coffee hang in the air but I did not see a single cup anywhere. Jethro sat at his desk just as he had the first day, except the papers were gone and in there place were leads and wires, leading up to monitors on this old school wheeling contraption. He was fiddling with a camcorder and as I walked in he glanced at the screen; a white light began to flash, and a graph was forming. The door leading into Chen's office opened and seconds later the monitor was smoking. "Chen," Jethro sighed scratching his head in frustration "How many times?" Chen ignored this like it happened everyday, instead turning his attention to me.

"Ms Odinaya, welcome back," his eyes stared right into my soul "Sorry for such an early start," he didn't sound the slightest bit sorry "But I thought it best we started early,"  Jethro at this point was trying to replace the equipment. Chen was again in his suit, and his perfectly polished shoes were silent on the carpeted floor. "Shall we begin?" he smiled, a smile so cold I again had to try not to leave, it looked like he didn't smile often but with a colleague like Jethro I wasn't surprised. "Jethro?" and the room darkened, a projector fell from the ceiling and began to flash random images. My heart leaped "Trey," the image stopped. There beep from a monitor in the room that got faster, louder and my heart rate kept quickening. "We should probably explain a little about this set up," Chen began eyeing the monitor, I could help but stare at the little boys smiling face. I felt a rush shoot through me "Calm down Ms Odinaya," but I couldn't stop the fear rising yet it all seemed to disappear at once. There was a loud pop followed by Jethro letting out a deep sigh of annoyance "Not another one, enhancers everywhere," he threw his hands up in the air, enhancer? "Yes Ms Odinaya, you are an enhancer," he motioned the area where Jethro was trying to fix whatever just broke "As I was trying to explain before you lost control," the little bastard was blaming me, for something I had no control over. Talk about indignation. "You have what is referred to as a supplementing power, you add power to whatever energy you direct your enhancements to," Jethro stood up and sent me a a glare "Jethro, please hostility to a minimum," Yeah, Jethro. "You are very emotionally immature, leading you to lack the self control needed to prevent an overflow of energy," Chen was proving himself very tactless. "But this is too be expected of someone like you," I held back a neck whip finger snap finishing combo, instead just choosing to send him the coldest look I could. "Excuse me?" He ignored me and turned his attention to the screen which had flickered back to life.  "This is a database of unaccounted for spirits,"  of course it was. "The spirit world is becoming very tech savvy, to be able to communicate with people like us." I lifted an eyebrow.

"And who is us?" Chen looked unblinkingly at me, like I was a 5 year old who had said something stupid even beyond the scope for a kid. Ignoring my question he continued "We are able to see if the spirits are in this dimension, and under our jurisdiction," he looked at the picture on the board "He must be newly entered into the system, it usually takes between 3-5 5th dimension working days." Jethro smirked muttering something about the lazy wenches at the agency. "So we now know that he is here, what do we do?" Chen and Jethro turned to look at me.

 "We hunt." 

We were on our way to my house. They wanted to get some readings, and a feel for the last place I'd seen Trey. Chen was looking through some papers, Jethro kept both hands on the wheel and his eyes firmly on the road, he had to be the most granny like driver I had ever seen.  As I sat between the two of them I couldn't help but feel somewhat helpless, what if the information from the agency and in fact Trey was already in another dimension? Who could've taken him? How could we even get him back? I had more question than answers and it felt like neither Chen nor Jethro felt the need to keep me in the loop. It was a long drive and by the time we got to the gravel road to my home I felt worse than when I first stepped into the office. "Please come in," I muttered as I opened the door, "Please remove all foot ware," Even his socks were spotless, I was starting to think Chen wasn't really human, I took them to my room feeling as if my room was being invaded. As soon as we stepped in I felt something wrong, something very off. "Someone's been in here," I whispered. I looked at the two paranormal specialist, they both stared at each other. "Jethro," Chen was staring at spot on my bed. "I'll get the equipment," This was the start of the end of my life. 

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