Talented Kid

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The fresh night air filled his lungs, the atmosphere was a mix of cold and warm winds blurred together. The redhead inhaled deeply, he felt like something was about to happen... Or maybe he was just stressed out about his very first true encounter with the Banuk civilisation.

Nemuka put a hand on his shoulder. The tents ahead were illuminated by torches fixed on sticks or by lanterns held upon their entrances.

Considering that when the hunters found Aio summer was coming to an end, autumn was now reaching its last month. Some snow had already started to fall, leaving a small layer of white on the ground. Tiny stalactites hung from stones, they looked like a stream flowing downhill... That had just froze during its course.

Nemuka and him climbed the few stairs that led to the central space of the village. They stood on the edge, admiring the people dancing and singing along with the drums and other instruments. It all seemed unrealistic with the giant painted wall behind them.

His Teacher tapped the redhead's left shoulder.

"I have to go see Taïki. He is the one going to be in charge of the Novices tonight."

"Novices? Are we going to be trained to do something?"

"Yes Aio, yes. Luckily, you are the right age to start training. You are going to be told how to protect the Tribe and hunt."

Aio didn't think he needed to train for anything, but if Nemuka said so, then... He would train to... Whatever it was.

"Am I going to be alone?"

"What? No! Of course no... There are many other children who are going to be training with you."

"Really?!" The boy said, excited.

"Didn't Anika tell you about all of this?"

The boy shook his head. The Dresser hadn't told him anything.

"Okay, look, the children are over there." The woman indicated a group of small people near the wooden stage on which Shamans danced.

Aio was intrigued by the Shamans. They were strange with their skull hats and feather costumes. Their bare arms and legs made him shiver. They must have been cold!

Nemuka took the boy shoulder to force him to look her in the eyes.

"Listen," She added. "Tonight is really important because it is the night when the first Test happens,there are going to be more Tests tomorrow, but tonight's is the more important, and the Tribe is here to watch it."

The red-haired boy felt fear sneak down his spine.

"What sort of test?"

The woman showed him the targets resting down the stage.

"When the time comes, they are going to place these on stage. Every child aged of twelve years old is going to try to hit the targets with a bow. It is the most important because hunting is a life-saving skill. You probably know that..." After a moment of thinking, she pursued:

"I know you haven't used a bow for months now, but I didn't have the time to teach you the language and to train you to hunt in the short amount of time I had. But from what Taïki told me, you are skilled with a bow..."

Nemuka saw the worried look the red-haired boy casted to the stage. She made him face her and lowered herself to his level, hand on his shoulders.

"Two things you need to know: First, these kids have trained all their lives since they know how to hold a bow. Second, they will do their best to be in the Warriors group. They won't be kind with anyone."

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