Chapter Twelve

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When Kira woke up, her back ached and she was freezing. She pulled Tristan’s blazer tighter around herself, fending off the cool November morning air, before realizing it was probably Tristan himself that was chilling her.

She sat up and maneuvered out of his arms, trying not to wake him. Oddly, Kira didn’t feel embarrassed at all about spending the night with him in his car. She loved having him hold her and comfort her. Sure, her parents would flip when she got home, and she would have to figure out what to say to Luke. But for once, Kira wasn’t going to worry about that.

She looked out the car window at the grounds brushed with dew. The sun had just started peeking through the sky. Soft tendrils warmed her skin, and Kira realized that the events of the previous night had awakened something inside of her. She felt different. More in control, as though her memories had allowed her to acknowledge her birthright—to understand that it wasn’t horrible but beautiful. She could save people. Perhaps, she had been born not for chaos but for life.

Kira opened her palm and let a little flame rise to rest on her hand like a small campfire. Her fingers warmed instantly, as did her body. Feeling the sun gather on her skin left her complete, content. The swelling under her eyes receded, her scratches from the forest mended themselves, and finally Kira found something better to wake up too than coffee.

"You’re beautiful. You know that?"

Kira turned to Tristan, happy to wake up to his barely opened eyes and lazy smile. Distracted, she let her light grow, until she saw Tristan wince.

"Sorry," she said and winked it out of existence.

"I don’t mind." He sat up.

"So what now?" Kira asked, letting her head fall back on his shoulder.

"Do you need to go home?"

Kira shook her head. There were too many things they needed to talk about. She wanted Tristan to open up to her and tell her about his past. Kira knew that if she went home, he would close himself off again to protect her.

"Good, then just trust me," he said, hopping into the driver’s seat while Kira moved to the passenger side. Tristan started the engine and slid his hand into hers as he sped out of the school parking lot.

Kira couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had seen them sleeping in Tristan’s car last night. Someone must have. They were in the middle of the parking lot and not everyone had left the school dance before they got there. Luke might have walked by and glanced in, but Kira didn’t even want to think about that. He would be so angry and hurt. Luke would never understand why she wanted Tristan, but she and Tristan were the same in many ways—both outcasts who didn’t really belong anywhere.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Tristan asked.

Kira relaxed and placed her feet on the dashboard, letting her eyes meet his, knowing they sparkled like Emma had said earlier.

"I’m thinking I’m happy just sitting here with you like it’s completely normal." She smiled, and he grinned back, clutching her fingers a little tighter. "I’m also thinking, damn I wish I’d brought a change of clothes." Tristan snickered, and Kira glanced at her leather-covered legs, happy she at least had his coat.

"Don’t worry. We’re not going anywhere public."

"And where are we going? You don’t have to be so mysterious all the time."

"Maybe I just like keeping you on your toes."

Kira rolled her eyes and settled in to her seat some more, listening to the music and letting Tristan concentrate on the driving.

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