Contest Four(Closed)

156 9 23

Welcome to the fourth contest!  Here is what you need to know:

It's for Haruka547

You can have up to 3 covers!!!!

Title: Joyce And Friends In: Nielies's Seduction

Subtitle: none

Author: Patsy Derrell

Genre: Fantasy-Drama

Story Plot: A young girl named Joyce lived with her Father in Lindolothl. All was harmonious in Lindolothl until a vampire named Andren kidnaps Joyce's father and takes him to his vampiric palace. So it's up to Joyce and some new friends including: Rarder(A seductive lounge singer from Valonde), Malia(A Priestess who follows the rules of Jesus Christ) and Mana(A comedian who's worked at several clubs in Woodale, Beastone and Woheath). Together, they must help Joyce save her father and stop Andren from killing her father and taking over the world.

Color Scheme: Medieval Colors: Green, Black, Red,Purple

Face Claims: none

Character Descriptions:


1. 18 

2. Rectangular Body Type

 3. Blonde 

4. Blue eyes 

5. Female 

6. Cold, Calm Fighter 

7. She's an Expert Fighter and a Great singer but not a smartie. 


1. 37 

2. Ectomorph 

3. Red Hair

4. Green Eyes

5. Male 

6. Seductive and alluring yet Frightening 

 7. He tries to use his seduction powers and magic to lure people and rule the world but he does it too 


1. 32 

2. Endomorph 

3. Black Hair

4. Brown Eyes

5. Male 

6. Sultry and Flirtatious yet Caring and Tough 

7. He is a successful lounge singer but a seductively bad boy. 


1: 18 

2: Rectangular Body Type

3: Brown Hair

4 Blue Eyes

5: Female 

6: Calm Yet Tough 

7: She is a Follower of Jesus Christ And sings like an angel but she's a weird girl. 


1. 16 

2. Rectangular BT 

3. Brown Hair

4. Brown Eyes

 5. Female 

6. Enthusiastic, Comedic, Sweet, Kind-Hearted, Wise

 7. She's a comedian with great reactions but sometimes she can overreact.

Other: Maybe put in what everyone think about Patsy Derrell 's works (ex: number of reads, follows, votes...) or add an image of her(ex: profile pic).

Dimensions: 512 by 800 pixels

Due Date: Saturday, August 17

To Submit: comment "joining", tag 3 people, and tag me in your entry chapter

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