Chapter 3- Time lapse and kidnapping yay!

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With the blanket set down and all the delectables brought forward, they all finally sat down, the blanket big enough for all of them.

Bakugou Masaru, the most pure of heart and somewhat awkward dad, eventually introduce himself "Hi Midoriya-san, Midoriya-kun I'm Katsuki's father Bakugou Masaru" he puts on his calm yet slightly nervous smile, making the mother and son duo to avert their eyes from the cookies in his possession.

Midoriya Inko smiles back at him "Bakugou-san, you can call us by our first names there is no need for formalities" she gently spoke as her hand was slowly heading for one of the cookies. The blinds and brunnete sweat drop at this while Izuku also reach for the sweet treat as well. "Yeah uncle Bakugou, no need for formalities!".

The family and two greennetes ate lunch together with glee, Inko and Izuku being the ones who ate all the sugary disks to which the Bakugou family were already accustomed to.

"Hey, I've never asked this before, but why were there army men at your house auntie?" Katsuki sat up, staring at his aunt with curious vigor, which cought all the adults surprised "Katsuki!" 

"It's no problem Mitsuki, I'm honestly surprised that you did ask this since the first day we came here" Inko laugh a bit, pouring a cup of tea with the metallic tumbler that she brought with her. "My husband works for a man with high power, and served as one of his personal researchers, he created a lot of contraptions and biological studies... One of which caused chaos, rampaging throughout the lab" the mood turned somber, making Mitsuki worry "but no one got injured, right?" Both Izuku and Inko looked at each other before lifting their forhead, showing two small bone like structures poking out.

"There were two casualties"

The situation got too gloomy and suffocating, and none of them know what to do to ease it.  "I'm sorry for ruining the picnic" her voice was back to her usual monotone, Izuku looking to the side avoiding their gazes.

"No, no! Don't apologise we didn't really know better" Mitsuki waves her hands in front of her, trying to find a way to lighten up the mood. "Katsuki you like hiking right? There's a cliff nearby bring Izuku with you and have some fun"

Head shaking and knees crying, Izuku finally catches up with the blond boy. He just couldn't get how Katsuki has THAT much energy for a young child such as himself. They were nearing the peak of the hill (or just mountain in his point of view) and he couldn't take it anymore. So, in his very Izuku way he promptly slumps down a near tree and collapses. Why was life so hard on him?

"Come on Deku we're almost there!" Ugh, the whining, stop it! He can't handle anymore let him rest and fade to nothing as he ignores the blond buffoon "Hey, I heard that!" Maybe he said that out loud? "Yes, you did".

"Well, fuck you and your hike! I'm sleeping here" he flips him the bird and continues his existential dread, facing the dirt embracing it at this point. He hears him whine again and was lifted up, or tried to as he was heavier than the kid expected so he was dragged by his elbows and stops just near the- OH MY GOD HE'S NEAR THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF! "Stop! Stop! Stop! You're gonna kill me!"

"Well too bad since your such a party pooper" Katsuki now tries to push him off the cliff.

"No, I'll promise not to be a party pooper!" He flails his arms and pushes his legs back desperately. How can this kid be so strong?!

"Determination!" With renewed vigor, he pushes Izuku with more strength.

After a full hour of Izuku fighting for his survival the two finally calm down and sat at the edge starring down the houses below them. Leaves fluttering down from branches of nearby trees, wind running pass them, everything was quiet, peaceful and oddly satisfying.

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