Chapter 10- The man masked with ever fading skull.

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Classes continued even after that whole unpleasant event. The room was filled with scraping chairs as each student filled in their seats. One being unoccupied, empty. After what felt like an eternity, Aizawa finally entered as well, silencing them all as they settled on their seats. 

He lets off a resigned sigh "Due to the incident minutes prior thanks to the reporters who bust in our grounds. The school will be delaying our trip to USJ to inspect the entrance for any clues of what happened." Murmurs began to stew, as each of them shared their concerns. Aizawa though had enough stress for the day "Quiet!" His eyes flashes anger as his hair drifts up.

"As we still have free time, and I'd rather not spend it to waste. Get your textbooks and take notes as we are having an advance lesson on the laws you will uphold if you pass the exams." Everyone groaned with the exception of Mina and Denki who were drained of color, Aizawa's lips curled into that of a horrifying smile they will come to see more in the upcoming years. "Go to page 176 we will be starting with Hero Article 7, How to handle a hostage situation. Rule one of thirty-seven don't shoot the hostage" 


After what seems like a millennials the class finally crawls out of that wretched room, with their wretched teacher who just grins at them. They all feel drained, with Ashido and Kaminari looking like they just survived an encounter with Satan, "I never knew there was a law against singing some foreign song about no worries to distract the villain!" 

"Every law was made because of past events Ashido, now get moving! You only have five minutes to change and go to the bus before we leave you" the sudden voice of their teacher spurred them awake, running wildly to get changed and fast. 

Aizawa was a cruel man, to his students' eyes.

Oh how much will they be proven wrong.


The students of class 1-A loaded up the bus with Iida being his strict self, lining up all of them only to see that there was so much space in the bus. They all seated buzzing in their places, fueled with impatient excitement!

After a minute or so with boredom Asui opened up her mouth "I was wondering, why is Misuto-kun absent for this lesson? It seems oddly specific since this is rescue training, kero" 

"Yeah! It's very suspicious, is he hiding something?" Mina, ever the gossip monger she is shared her thoughts as she continues to poke kaminari, pestering him. "No matter, it seems like he's capable with the lesson already and, or maybe Aizawa just gave him a free pas- hey! Stop it mina!" Said girl kept on poking. 

"It doesn't really matter, Misuto-kun is manly enough to handle it already! Like have you seen the battle trials, so manly!" A round of of agreement came about, not noticing his silent murmur of "I wish I was strong".

"Yeah he's really strong and his quirk is very flashy, he will certainly be popular with the crowd!" "We still have two more strong people here, Bakugou and Todoroki!" "Yeah, but unlike Todoroki who's face speaks for itself, Bakugou is like a turd dip in sewer water"

"What the fuck was that fuck face?!"

"We're here!" Aizawa's words rang, preventing Bakugou to commit murder, slowly one by one they got out the bus. 


In front of them was the behemoth of a dome. A representation of UA's limitless wealth, "it's Universal Studio  Japan!" 

"No, it's Unforseen Simulation Joint you dumbass!" Bakugou bump his head out of the sheer stupidity the other shown. "All of you behave! This isn't kindergarten" Aizawa then lead them inside, showing all of environments that the building held inside and in front of them was Thirteen, arms spread wide to show their pride and joy of a building.

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