the eve of the war

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CHAPTER ONE: THE LANDINGS. One morning I woke up from my bed after I had this nightmare of a dream. I walked over to Neo's house to tell him about the sounds that have been happening lately. 1 hour as we were talking a loud boom shook the ground. We walked outside and a huge cylinder was outside of Neo's house. Neo asked

"was this in your dream jeremy? Neo said as we walked to the huge cylinder.

"um no that wasn't in my dream?" I said.

We walked closer to the cylinder and as we walked closer the top begin to turn. me and Neo felt heat painful heat as we walked even closer.

"I think we should go home, it's getting hot!" Neo said with pain in his voice from the heat.

"yeah lets go home ah" I said with concern for the both of us.

The next day on the news there was about 10 more landings of the large cylinders. My friend Sarah called me and said

"you heard of the landings jeremy?" Sarah said

"yeah Sarah" I said

"I'm gonna get close to it."

"NO SARAH!" I said with huge concern and fright in my voice.

She hung up out of spite. I've never felt so worried in my life for my friends and my family. I hope they are ok during the landings of these cylinders falling out of the sky. My friend Neo took me to Sarah's house. we looked everywhere in the house she wasn't there. Me and Neo run outside, there she was about to touch the hot burning cylinder we yelled


She stop and turned around and said

"do you guys know that this is?"

"no" I said.

Still scared of the cylinders, but I had that feeling that something bad was gonna happened...something really bad.

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