The heat ray

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chapter 2: the heat ray. I was watching tv and about a hour in I heard a knock at my door and when I opened the door my friend Neo said

"come, come and see this!" Neo said happy and scared at the same time.

I ran to the scene of where the cylinder crushed. All the towns folk where all around the object. The top was turning it seemed that someone was trying to escape from the burning cylinder. After 2 hours the top finally came off. Neo said

"what could be in there jeremy?" Neo said scared.

"well I know that there's not gonna be a man or a box of chips I tell you that!"

Me and Neo laughed off the scaredness that we had. A arm came out of the cylinder and another one and another. It seemed that the person had 8 limbs than one more came out with a gun like body. The gun made a loud noise that made the dogs and animals run away. the gun turned red and green and other colors. Neo asked

"what could this mean? he said even more scared

"I don't know Neo" I said with aw in my face to all the colors coming from the machine. Sarah said to us

"maybe we should go guys" Sarah said with concern for us.

Than as soon as she said that the heat ray blast the towns folk into fire and bone! Some had a chance to run but the heat ray got them to fast! The only ones that lived was me Neo, Sarah and a few towns folk.

After that moment I've made a choice

"Neo and Sarah I'm gonna join the army."

In my head I Knew that this was a bad idea but I want to try to keep my friends and the people safe. a few months I've finally joined the army. Now I can keep my loved one safe out of harms way.....I hope.

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