Demon nightmare x angel crystal

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This was requested byNixTheSkeleton

So befor we starts nightmare and dream are both kings dream is angel and nightmare is demon king. Ya let's starts

Crystal p.o.v

I walk out onto the balcony and watch the sky. Ink became a fallen Angel for his boyfriend error a demon and ever since Dream has been acting overboard trying to keep me away form demon territory. I sigh a bit befor I hear a knock on my door. I open it and see blue, hi I say. Hi crystal dream asked me to check on you he says. I am fine I say tucking my wings in( the tips are red and pink) heh welp see ya In a hour ok blue says. Ok I say as he walks out. As soon and he leave I rush back to the balcony and take off towards the mushroom forest. I know dream hate it because it both angel and demon territory but it's so pretty. I land on a mushroom and lay on it, nothing can go wrong on such a lovely afternoon I say to myself.

Nightmare p.o. v

I fly off my thron and walk to my guards. Have you any news on my brother defense I ask. No they say, well get back to work. Ugth error was decent but he's busy with his lover so I am down to relying on the others to get her. Eheh my brother thinks he can hide her from me he's lying to himself. I will have crystal as my queen wether he likes it or not.  Boss killer says. What I ask. We spotted an angel in the mushroom forest he says. What do they look like I ask.  There a girl woh pink and red wing tips they say. That her bring her head now I yell. He flys of. Hehe I will have my queen soon. I sit back on my throne and wait.

Crystal p.o.v

I sit up only to see three demons coming my way.oh no I say as I try and loooss the, in the forest. One with black line coming for  his eye troughs a knife at me and I narrowly dodge it but hit a mushroom. I stumble a bit only to have a guy with an axe grab me and hold my wings Down. Let go I say. Sorry princess but the king wants you they say. The fluffy one blows a dark mist at me and I faint.

 Nightmare p.o.v

Boss we're back killer calls. I see that they have her. I fly over and to them. I smirk and pick her up in my arms. So are you pleased killer asks. Yep I say carry her to my room. I lay her on my bed and wait to see my brother reaction he should fly hear as soon as he sees she's missing not like it matter she will be my queen I say as I laugh.

Dream p.o.v

Blue have you found her yet I ask. No he says. My brother must have him I say ask spreed my wings.  I fly to my brother castle and push back his guards. Nightmare come hear now I call you in my domain brother watch what you say he says, where crystal I say, the future queen is sleep he says. She's coming home I say, now she's not nightmare says launch his tentacles at me. Stop I say he knocks me down and cross and killer grab my arms. Throw him out he says. The node and toss me out. Grrr I have to think of a better plan. 

Crystal p.o.v

 I slowly wake up and see I am in a huge bed. Morning my queen a voice says. I turn to see nightmare siting next to me. Hi I say, your so cute he says, i blush. I always did like him but Dream always was nervous about that, hehehe come my queen we need to talk he says. Why do you keep calling me that I ask. Because your supposed to marry me and be my queen he says. What I ask. Hehe well my brother never approved of that but it is so so follow me he say, I nod and get up and follow him. He take me into a room with some dressse and flowers. You can pick what you like and then we can talk more he says .I node And I grab some of the dress and try them on. After a few I pink one with a black Bottem and pink trims around it. And some black roses and Lily's. He walks back in and takes my hand. We sit and talk for a bit. Hehe I got you something he says, what is it I ask, he pull out a box with a ring with a dark band and bright red jewel. It's so pretty I say, hehe just for you he says,aww I say, so the wedding is in a week he says. I stare at him for a moment ok I say, good he says, as he scopes me up and takes me back to his room. 

Skip till Weding yay

I walk down the aisle and stand nex to night. Nightmare do you take crystal to be your wife. I do he says, crystal do you take nightmare as you husband. I do I say. Kiss nowwwwwwwwww. He hisses me and picks me up. I love you night I sya, love you to my queen.

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