A New Land, A New Time - 2

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( So After Writing For Hours On End I Realised How Difficult To Write A Book. So What I'm Trying To Say Is Please Do Not Pressure Any Author Into Making Another Chapter Of Your Favourite Book Otherwise They Have No Time To Themselves. So Please Don't Do That Stuff, Well Onto The Chapter)


I shot my head up from my pillow and I had a frightened look on my face. Then once I calmed down I said "Oh Thank God It Was Just a Dream" (More Like Nightmare).

I checked the time on my phone it was 8 in the morning.

I got up and looked into the mirror and....... I Had Wings, Horns, a tail and Wolf ears!?!? After I calmed down I changed into my casual clothes (You Can Choose What You Want To Wear).

After I finish getting ready I went downstairs and made some breakfast, then shifted my way to the lounge and I started watching Gravity falls,while I was watching TV I was playing with my wings and tail.....

~10 minutes later~

I turned off the TV and went on my phone and all of a sudden my phone screen turned and there was static on the phone screen. Then I start hearing static and all of the lights in my house turn off.....

Only a couple seconds later a......

.......Rift thingy opens up
Right in front of me.

I decided to touch it, so I poked it and it felt like this some sort of jelly substance.

I walk away....... and out of nowhere I start getting sucked in I try and claw my way out but it didn't work and once I finally got swallowed whole by the Rift thingy everything went Black.....

Grey with a hint of black mixed together is all I could see.... it was clouds and I was Falling......
I was still falling, I had a terrified look on my face and without even thinking I said "I-I'm g-going to die.......", but then I remembered that I have wings Now. I tried to fly but I couldn't......

I saw the tree tops a braced for impact......
But..... Nothing?? I looked at my surroundings the sky was a Darkish grey colour there wasn't any fresh green grass and I was sitting in a crater.

I suddenly heard people yelling, Gunshots and explosions in the background, I don't know why I decided to run towards it. As I got near the horrible sounds that are now echoing in the back of my mind, soon I reach a clearing in the trees. I stayed only a couple of feet from the mud filled area but I can still see inside and it was........ a trench war!? I heard the soldiers yelling at each other while gunshots and screaming of soldiers being killed. The commanders of each country were giving soldiers orders, one was speaking French the other was speaking German I then saw there was a group of commandos from the German army sneaking up behind the French and without thinking at all I ran into the back of the French's trench and grabbed a random soldiers gun and started to shoot down the commando's. The French was confused on what I was doing then they saw a couple of dead German commandos in the forest behind their trench, they got into positions and started shooting since they were doing that I ran over to the other side and on my way I grabbed some grenades, a knife and a better gun.

I jumped out of the trench and started charging the German trench I threw a grenade into the main part of their trench and it took out a few of their men, I somehow was able to dodge all the bullets flying at me at a high speed. Soon enough... I realised..... time stopped. I took this opportunity to quickly run through the German trench and stab all the Germans in the arms and legs so they cannot attack us while we are retreating, time started and all I could hear was screams in agony from the Germans. I cringed hearing them and couldn't stop myself from thinking about how it felt, then somehow I told the French to start retreating. I looked back one more time and saw I missed one of the Germans and he then shot at what looked like to be a young soldier and all of a sudden time slowed down just enough for me to run to him and take the bullet for him.... once time started again and I was shot I pointed my gun at him and pulled the trigger...... And killed him...

I collapsed to the ground and my vision started to fade-away I covered the wound with my hand and felt my blood spilling out from my side, i then lifted my hand and looked at my hand..... but something was.......... off......

Somehow my blood was......... Black?.................

Soon enough I past out from blood loss.......

(So I'm sorry this took so long I have school and stuff plus I'm really sick, so sorry for not being able to finish it sooner but I will try to finish the next chapter on time, Author~Chan Out!)

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