Where'd the coy pond go?

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Cole was pretty relaxed, he just finished his first semester of college and was enjoying a well-deserved break, or as much break as a college freshman can have.
His older brother Hunter, had been leaving off messing with him, while he enjoyed the holidays, or spending time with his current girlfriend, whichever one he was currently with.
He was pretty relaxed as he lay in his mom's garden. He had a sudden urge to see he fish in the quaint coy pond and he other end of the garden. He got up to go look at the fishies, and he passed underneath a small archway entwined with vines.
He blinked. Stopped. Turned around. What just happened?
He was sure he just he saw the coy pond, and then it just wasn't there anymore. It had been right in front of him. It seemed as though it has simply vanished, but that was impossible. Some part deep inside of him disagreed.
Before him was a new scene. Instead of orange fish swimming around and contently living life, there was a inn that seemed to be spinning? But inns don't spin. And why was it an inn, because clearly this was not a 5-star establishment.
Where was he? Where did the coy pond go? Cole thought he was about to have a panic attack. He got those sometimes when school became too stressful, but instead he felt... yearning? Yearning for what? He though he saw a flicker of a face flash before his eyes, but it was gone before he could make out anything.
He smelt the delicious aroma coming from the inn, and decided it must be food, but how was he to get on? Surely it must stop eventually like a ferris wheel? That did not seem to he how it worked.
He strolled over to the inn expecting a deep sense of dread fill him. Instead he felt a vague nostalgia. Why was there an inn? Another question that should have worried him, but didn't. Why wasn't he sobbing uncontrollably? Where was he? Why. Wasn't he afraid? Where did this sense of calm come from? It was usually Hunter's job to remain calm. Cole was thoroughly confused.
And dizzy by the time the strange man in strange clothing sitting on the porch swung him onto the porch deck.
His mouth starting watering as he marched inside with confidence that didn't usually belong to him.
That was where his newest adventure began.

Welcome to my story. Yatayatayata, I only own the plot, Brandon Mull owns the characters yatayatayata. Hope you enjoy, sorry for cringiness and inaccruacies. I promise a better cover will come. Thanks for actually reading my story.
Die bravely,

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