Good Old Days Part 2

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"I was home, but it didn't feel like home anymore. When I heard Tark playing his instrument, I didn't hesitate."

"Found myself back in Lyrian, found Tark, got stalked by a Torivor."

Cole started choking.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked quickly, but he eyed Cole warringly."

Cole nodded quickly, he didn't know what had come over. It was as if some unspeakable terror had come over him.

"Torivor's look like 3D shadows, their pitch black. They worked for Maldor, since he controlled the Myrkstone, which controls them. They were brought to Lyrian in a convent by an old wizard named Zokar, but this is irrelevant. All you need to know is that it seriously messed with my head. Invaded my dreams."

Cole was fighting against something deep within him, as if he was trying to look at something that wasn't there.

"Well I was trying throw the thing off my trail while Tark went to warn the Blidn King the Word was fake. I eventually stumbled into a family of giants, which just goes to show my stupidity. Giants are large at night, but tiny during the day, for some reason, anyway, they almost ate me and I had to hide in a chimney, but lo and behold the Torivor shows and scares them off. I started calling him Lurky, because why not. Anyway, I was trying to get to this city, because Tark had this friend there, well I eventually got there, turns out, Torivors don't like cities. Met Aram, who's half-giant, by the way, I also met Ferrin. I'll spare you the details but we escaped the city, regrouped with my stalker, and ended going down a river to Gallorian's hideout where we got to discuss plans for a rebellion.

"Gallorian explained how they found Jugurd dead, and that Maldor was targeting guardians of the word, so we decided to go after Corinne, who, did I mention was his daughter."

"Wait hold up, does that mean Corinne is a princess."

Jason nodded animatly. "Spot on, so we journeyed to the Sunken Lands where we found Drake and Rachel, blew up a bridge with Orantium, the a bomb, and went on our merry little way, while Rachel started learning magic."

"Unfortunatly in the Sunken Lands we lost Chandra, a member of our party, but we still made it to Corinne in time, got caught up, while Galloran, Rachel, and a guy named Dorsio went to the sunken remains of an ancient city holding a monster that was once a powerful wizard to ask for help.

"Turns out the Word was actually this Wizard's downfall, and Rachel destroyed him. After that we got a bunch of bombs out of the water."

"Then we went to Seven Vales, the home of the Amar Kabal to ask for help. Nedwin blew some stuff with a really big bomb on the way there. We reached there with only the minor setback of Nedwin and Tark getting Lungroot, but they were cured, so all is good. Then we met Farfalee, Darke's sister and Jasher's wife, and their son Lodan.

"We get to face their conclave, or leader's, which Farfalee's a part of, but things were still really tense. The leader, a guy named Naman, threatened to turn Corinne into Maldor, so Galloran and Naman duel."

"Isn't Galloran blind?"

Jason smiled. "From what I've been told Corinne and Rachel telecommuned, I don't know. I don't get most of their magic stuff. Anyway, Galloran beat Naman, and the Colclave sends a delegation with us to the Temple of Minamon, to get a prophecy."

"We lost two of the Amar Kabal in the Howling Notch, not a place you should visit, but they didn't die, not really, so that was good. We lost another in the Forsaken Kingdom, which is overrun with vampire zombies. We had to cut someone's seed out because they were infected, but their body remained sane enough to see us through and not kill us."

Jason shivered. "I never plan on going back there if I can help it, but after that we reached the drinlings, which I believe the term on earth is dryads, so tree people. They had a lifespan of two years, I think, and can eat anything."

Cole's eyes went wide.

"It was crazy, ya, then we went to the Last Inn, the last refuge before the dense jungle that the Temple of Minamon was in. We were ambushed, but Golloran saved us by getting a pair of eyes from Maldor, weird yes, but then he had to duel a Torivor, much to everyone's surprise, he won.

"When we made it to the jungle we were attacked by Treefolk, but then they sort of apologize. After dealing with some influtraters, we get sent by the oracle on two quests. Farfalee, Jasher, Corinne, Nia, Aram, Drake, and I get sent to research the last abode of Darian the Seer while Galloran, Rachel, Ferrin, Nedwin, Nollin, Io and Tark go to Trenscourt to amass an army to fight against Maldor's stronghold."

"Well aren't you going to say anything?" Jason asked.

Cole blinked. "I was waiting for you to finish."

"Oh," said Jason. "Then we've got a little bit more to go."

Hope everyone's okay. I'm not dead, clearly.

Die bravely,


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