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How do you style your hair?

Poptarts: I cut my hair really short to make a wig for my brother when he lost his own and kept cuting it short to feel closer to him, so I only need a Bobby pin.

McKinley: I part it to the side simply. And I wear a hat cause it looks good, ok?


McKinley + Poptarts: uh, oh, here we go...

Price: on Mondays, I tie it up in a pony tail without a part, Tuesday I like Dutch braids, Wendnesday is the day I let my hair out mid way parted, Thursday is a messy plat, Friday i curl it, and it's freestyle during the weekend.

McKinley: Why do you have a schedule?

Price: to keep my hair neat all my life.

Poptarts: I'm surprised your not bald by all the hair on your bathroom floor.

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