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Pick a number and a ship and you'll get it-

1• "Its ok that you want to cry, it's not ok your keeping it in."

2• "Stop moving and let me count your freckles!"

3• Person A catches Person B talking to themselves.

4• Person A gives Person B a present revealing they want them to be together.

5• "If you don't get out of bed- I'll make you, missy."

6• "If nobody likes you, how come I will kiss you in about 2 seconds?" "What-"

7• "Dude- I had a dream you liked me, it wasn't a nightmare that night..."

8• "I'm gonna kill you- are you ok?"

9• Person B is on their red week.

10• "I love you! Omigoddidijustsaythat???"

11• "I'm back from- are you wearing my- Aw."

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