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It was four so when I got there demitri was waiting for me he put in a blind fold and blind folded my eyes close I didn't know much but I know we got in a car because I heard jillianna's carseat make music about thirty minutes later we stopped demitri told me I could take off my blindfold I saw a house is this my house i asked

Demitri-well not exactly is for all of us to live and me you and the twins so we're all going to live together I asked how Is this going to work out won't we fight I asked since we haven't been fighting for a while I didn't think we will

The next day

I told you I wanted you home by nine so I can go out well sorry I was busy said Dimitri busy doing what going to see ur ex girlfriend andseeing your other daughter how many do you have anyway more then I know about how many "exs"do you have anyway

Demitri-only one and that's Miranda you know that we'll I'm sorry I said angry I mumbled under my breath because I don't like telling people the fact that I was wrong

Aimiya-as I walked in the bedroom to check on Ivan cartel and jillianna they were only seven months and twelve days old and they are already sleeping like there father with there mouths and legs open I walked out and into "out" room and went to sleep it was already 4:30in the morning and i had a new job that started at 8:00 but I had to be there at 7:30 am and I just couldn't be late on my first day.

Demitri- I walked in and saw Aimiya laying down on her side of the bed face first with all the covers wrapped around her because the room was freezing I closed the windows got into bed closed my eyes and fell asleep


I woke up at 6:00 on the dot took a hour long shower dressed up in my professional clothes And did my hair in a sloppy bun right before I left demitri woke up you leaving for work now babe "yeah" I replied in a hurry I ran to my car and drove off to 149 street. I arrived at McDonald's early enough to get a free Hashbrowns "hi welcome to McDonald's how may I take your order "I had to say every time someone else wanted something this job Is gonna be harder than I thought since I left at twelve I only have four hours

Finally it turned twelve so I got up and walked out and went to my car I drove as fast as a could when I got to the house it was very quiet no one was there. I pulled out my phone and called 21 times sent 19 text and every time it went to voicemail I sent 9 voicemail messages then he finally text back


Aimiya-where are you

Demitri-I'm at the hospital with the kids

Aimiya-are you ok

Demitri-Yea im ok but Ivan cartel keeps throwing up and I didn't know what to do so I just bought him here

Aimiya- I'm on my way don't go anywhere

Demitri-Ok but hurry

Here comes double troubleWhere stories live. Discover now