Chapter 3⃣

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When I got to the hospital The doctor said we can go I see ivan I literally ran to him. Even though he couldn't talk I started asking him questions like are you okay and are you hurt after the doctors gave Ivan his medicine and said we can leave I put jillianna and Ivan in their car seats and we drive away since Ivan wasn't feeling good I sat in the back with him just in case

It was a long day and everyone was tired so when we got home everyone including the twins fell asleep


So we gotta start getting ready for Ivan and jillianna birthday party their first birthday it seem just like yesterday I had them and their already turning 1in one month

Ever since they came to this earth I loved them so much from when I first found out I was pregnant to now and I will love them forever.

Demitri-Lets have a theme

Aimiya-yeah of course but what kind of theme

Demitri-I don't know

Aimiya-wat about a Elmo them we could hire Elmo buy a big cake and invite all of our closes family and friends


My dad wasn't really ever around as a kid so I'm glade demitri could step up and be a good father.One week later.

I was sleep when my phone rang

Rosemary and ma sister Taniya wanted to go out with them because it was my birthday "FEBRUARY 14 " and I was like yeah imma just ask demitri to watch Ivan and jillianna

Rosemary-hey happy birthday

Taniya- happy birthday


Rosemary-who you going out tonight

Aimiya-I don't know I gotta watch the twins and all

Taniya-you gotta go out its your birthday

Aimiya-I'll talk to demitri and call y'all back

Taniya rosemary-ok

Demitri walked in hey babe can you watch the kids tonight while I go out with ma sister and Rosemary ummm he replied yeah it's your birthday of course I'll do that for you thx I said Abd I got in the shower if I didn't start now I'll never be done. After I got out I put on a skintight dress did my makeup put on my heels did my hair and then left Taniya was waiting for me in the car and we had to go get Rosemary because she was always the last one to be ready.

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