Chapter 17

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The day was going by slower than ever.

I just wanted to hit my head on the desk enough times.

Maybe I could kill myself like that.

Finally lunch.


Food is the only thing that is making me not go insane.

I've been craving mozzarella sticks all day. Thank God they have them at lunch.

I grabbed the sticks with an apple a pudding cup and a chocolate milk.

Can't wait to eat lunch today. I sat down next to Rose and she was talking to the girls about how hot Liam's lacrosse team is and how he's a good player.

I still am shocked that Scott walked in on our kiss.

I just hope that things aren't awkward between Scott and I.

I ate the mozzarella sticks and they were so good. When I looked away from my food, I saw Liam enter the cafeteria.

He didn't see me so I looked away.

Now that he's around, I have to act all lady like and not shove that pudding cup down my throat.

I ate and just talked to the girls and Monica told us that she's going to lose her virginity this weekend.

She's planning on having sex with her boyfriend Jack who's friends with Liam and is on the team with him.

She asked me if she should have sex with him, and I told her that it was her choice.

"Come on guys" she says

"Personally I don't know what to tell you" I said

"Yeah" Julia says

"It's your choice" said Rose

"True.But are you ready. I mean that do you think that he's worth it?" she says

"Yes, and we have been going out for almost 4 months." said Monica

We all just nodded our heads and smiled.

Everyone just kept their opinion on their relationship to themselves. We didn't really want to say anything to make her feel bad.

He's always hooking up with random girls before he stated going out with her.

And old habits sometimes don't go away.

I hope he's not cheating on her, she's such a sweet girl, and beautiful.

I went to throw away my tray and I slipped on some water and almost fell when someone caught me, and it was Scott.

"Im so sorry!" i said

"It's fine" he said laughingly

"Are you ok" he asked

"Thanks to you I am" I said

"So how are you doing after all of the woods fainting stuff" he asked

"Better. I got bruised and scratched pretty bad. The bruises are still healing but the scratch is gone" I said

"You had a scratch? where?" he asked concerned.

"It was on my stomach, but it's gone now"

"That's good" he said

"Yeah" I said

Stiles came to us

"Scott I need you for a - oh hey Elena"


"I gotta borrow him" he said

"Ok, I gotta get going anyways." I said

"Bye" they both said

"See you around" said Scott

I smiled at both of them and went back to my table.

Soon the bell rang for lunch and I was only excited to see Liam.

I haven't talked to him all day and he hadn't even looked at me today, I even looked good today.

I have to see him, or this whole outfit was going to be wasted.

Sorry that I have short chapters. I'm trying to update a lot. But if you like SPN read my other story. People told me that my other story is better than this one, so you should try it out! And please comment and tell me what you feel about the story( both of them)❤️😄😉🌺

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