Chapter- 01

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Mahika enters the room and finds her elder sister  Dhani sleeping. She tries to wake her up but Dhani refuses. She had missed her dance class five times in the last month. Mahika somehow convinced her to go with her.Dhani hates meeting people. All she wanted in the last four years was to be left alone. But Mahika couldn't leave her sister suffering in the dark. She pleaded, begged and did everything she could to convince her. Finally, Dhani had agreed. Being the older sister she couldn't refuse her sister's pleas. She knew her sister. They arrived at the dance class. The dance teacher was auditioning girls for the annual competition in the studio. After a few performances, it was Dhani's turn. She had always been an exceptional dancer. Today she was showing all her emotions through her dance - her passion, her anger, her pain making her look like a dancing angel. After watching her dance the dance teacher refused to continue the auditions, said he had found his Dancing Diva. He announced that Dhani would be the main lead in the female group and the male lead is from Delhi. And he announced his name - AKASH.

A tall, well-built man with a charming personality enters. He walks up to Dhani and stands beside her. Every girl in the class was already crushing over him. He smiles at Dhani, receiving no response from her.

Akash thought she was a young, rich brat with a lot of attitudes. But her black eyes highlighted with kajal, her silver bindi, and her white skin forced him to admire her beauty. 'Maybe her beauty justifies her attitude', he thought. 'How could someone so beautiful not have this attitude'?

A tall, well-built man with a charming personality enters. He walks up to Dhani and stands beside her. Every girl in the class was already crushing over him. He smiles at Dhani, receiving no response from her.

Akash thought she was a young, rich brat with a lot of attitudes. But her black eyes highlighted with kajal, her silver bindi, and her white skin forced him to admire her beauty. 'Maybe her beauty justifies her attitude', he thought. 'How could someone so beautiful not have this attitude'? 

Dhani goes straight to her room as they reached home. Mahika follows, talking about Dhani's performance, how good she was and about Akash.

Her family missed the Dhani they had four years ago. But they had accepted the truth -they had lost their bubbly Dhani in that accident. No one had spoken about it since then. The incident had left an effect on the whole family.

Dhani was in her room writing in her diary. She poured all her emotions into her diary. She had been doing this for the past five years and each dairy was locked safely in her wardrobe. Nobody knew what she wrote in it.

Mahika walks into the room and starts talking about Akash. His looks, his muscles and how every girl was going crazy about him. She was happy for Dhani. Finally, she had got a partner, so what if it was just for a dance show.

The next day at rehearsals Akash was running late, she starts practicing her part. Akash comes running through the corridor, cursing himself for being late on the first day. He finds someone already dancing in the rehearsal hall. It was Dhani. This was the first time he saw her dance. He just kept looking until she finished. He enters and apologizes for being late. They go ahead with their practice.

He holds her hand. Akash felt like he was the happiest person alive on the planet, while Dhani was very uncomfortable. He pulled her into his arms and grooved. Her fragrance was making him crazy. He loved the move, where she swings right into his arms. He loved the way she fit in his arms perfectly like she was the one made for him in heaven.

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