chap: 1 what's up with everything?

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After I stopped playing tekken for the night , I noticed my brand new console was acting up. It was turning on and off and blinking , It also kept asking if I wanted it to be on real or virtual mode so I put it on real duh? How weird , anyways I decided that I should try and get this fixed cause I just bought it and it wasnt very cheap. I just gave up after messing with the console for 25 minutes and went to bed , something still wasn't right but i didn't care. I was tired, ill deal with this tomorrow.
Around 2:00 in the morning :
I was in a semi deep sleep, dreaming about god knows what and I hear my tv on full volume, so I get up to turn it off when I look to the side of my tv stand and my console is on and flashing between the real or virtual screen again and then the tekken start up screen, this was scaring me a bit so I tried to turn it off but then the screen just stops and says TEKKEN 7 : REAL LIFE vers. I was like nope and turned it off and went back to bed,
Sorry i dont do ghosts in the morning.

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