chap 2 : today is gunna be odd!

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I feel my eyes flutter open and wake to the sounds of people talking, I remember that I all ready turned off the tv. So I get scared really fast ,What if someone broke in?! , i get up out of my bed and make my way cautiously to the living room to see 8 people in my house! I scream but suddenly relize that all these people look like tekken characters? They all instantly have their eyes glued on me.
hwoarang : hey ! who are you and what did you do to me !
Ling : yeah where am i? Bring me back now!!
Jin: *sighs*
you suddenly make a connection. My weird console , tekken : real ? !
y/n : wait a minute who are all of you and how did you guys get here???? Jin : I am jin and last night i blacked out and woke up here
ling ,hwoarang, lars: yeah me too!
suddenly mercedes walks up to you
Mercedes: soo when can I leave this playdate , ive got places to be and here's not one of em!
miguel comes up to you as well
Miguel: aye me too señorita! this place is a bore...
mercedes to miguel : who are you and where are YOU goin ?
miguel (confused) : i am miguel rojo and that's none of your business, WHO are you?
mercedes: my name isn't of consern to you spanish man!
miguel : aie fiesty , i like it
He walks away and you look at mercedes and say
y/n : you cant leave! none of you can, you'll get hurt and i have to find a way to fix this !!
steve : its fine everything is gunna be okay , where are we though love?
y/n : y/l
lars: oh wow i am far from home
hwoarang : im hungry and its all jins fault
Jin: *sighs*
steve : come on guv calm down the lady doesnt need any of this ( steve winks at you)
Y/n then exsplains where everyone is and the year n stuff like that
y/n : blushing slightly* i guess you all need somewhere to stay so you can all stay here! Untill i can find a way to get you all back okay?
ling: YAY roommates , and i sleep with jin and i-
Mercedes : no thanks *smirking* i have plenty of people who want to stay with me ; )
y/n : sighs* uhhh o k ?
lars : thank you and ill help figure a way to get us back !
y/n : blushing again* your welcome and thanks , now whos hungry?
(Y/n starts making breakfast with lars helping you )
hwoarang and jin meanwhile are arguing
Jin: i didnt do any of this , now stop
miguel: this is jins making , you hurt me before and now your trying to do it agian !
jin : (leaves)
also mercedes and ling are talking
Mercedes : who are you?
ling : im ling , nice to meet you!!
mercedes : so you like jin?
ling : blushing* shh dont tell him
Mercedes: i think he already knows
ling: oh i just like him sooo much : ) hes so cool and handsome!
Mercedes : you should date him , you two look cute together ~
Ling : really ?
mercedes: Yes , absolutely
Ling: awwww thank you , your sooo nice and cool , i thought you were mean and rude when i first saw you but now i know you not! we are gunna be besties!! : ))))
ling: and btw i think you look cute with miguel or hwoarang : ) or something!
mercedes : uhhhh no thanks ill take a pass on that please!
meanwhile miguel is staring at mercedes
Miguel (thinking: she looks different , i wonder whats up with her. She is pretty , i wonder what she thinks of me ? hmm ~
Y/n : alright breakfast is done : )) , i dont actually have a table so we can sit on couch, everyone make room please!
Everyone made their own plates and sat down, miguel is on the left end then ling , y/n , lars , lastly steve is on the right side . Jin is standing and mercedes is last at getting her food, and walks up to the couch
Mercedes : where am i sitting??!
ling: you can sit next to me ( she pats the left side of her on the couch and motions toward sitting next to miguel )
miguel looks up from his food and smirks at mercedes
Mercedes : ugh fine ( she sits down and starts to notice miguel staring at her)
miguels arm proped up supporting his head , just watching her and smirks thinking to himself
mercedes: you need something ! creep!
miguel just shrugs , and says something under his breath
Mercedes : well if you wanna continue , ill have to do something drastic~
ling notices this happening and makes kissy sounds
mercedes : ugh ling no !
miguel just chuckles and finally looks away
Y/n is talking to lars about the rebels
When hwoarang (shouts: UGH IM BORED
jin looks at him and says shhh
Y/n then says : i know you guys are probably gunna get bored but i dont know if going outside is such a good idea?
Steve: i can defend myself , and i can defend you as well love ~
Y/n : well i guess we all can go out tomorrow okay?
eveybody agrees
after eveyones done eating ling and y/n clean up
Mercedes walks up to hwoarang and says : i think your starting to piss me off ~
Hwoarang : ugh YOU think you can beat me!?
Mercedes : yeah , lets play ~
Mercedes throws a heavy punch and it knocks hwoarang back a bit
after a 15minute fight jin and steve had to separate them before anything got serious
hwoarang : awww i just about to kick your ass too ~!
steve to mercedes : Oi i wasnt exspecting that from you guv !
Mercedes smirks
Mercedes to hwoarang : sorry maybe in your dreams , id never lose to a weakling like you ~
she walks towards miguel and leans in close , he leans in too and she says : thats what happends when we piss people OFF GOT IT!
miguel just smirks
mercedes walks to the couch and sits down, then ling and y/n sit next to her
Ling : wow you really just fought him soo cool : )
mercedes : hmm ~
Y/n : can you teach me to fight ?? ive always wanted to please!
mercedes : hmm maybe one day okay?
y/n : allright yay !
Some hours go by with just meeting and greeting everyone when it starts getting late
y/n : ( announces) its late and im sure your all tired from today, so be rightback !
y/n leaves to go into her room and find extra clothes for everyone , she gos back into the living room and hands everyone a t shirt and shorts or pants
Lars : thank you miss y/n But i dont need the shirt
y/n : okay , who else doesnt want their shirt?
all the guys hand y/n their shirt
Y/n : oh okay , (mercedes hands her the pants)
Mercedes: i dont do pants okay?
y/n : but thats a crop top and the guys can see your underwear?
mercedes: okay ? everyone looks but no one is allowed to touch , so dont worry !
Y/n : o - okay ??
Ling : do i look cute for jin ??
y/n and mercedes : yeah sure
Ling : thanks you guys are the bestest besties : D
the three girls walk out into the living room and everyone is staring
Steve : wow
lars: y/n you look great !
hwoarang : blushing* who cares
jin : blushes* ...
Miguel : whistling* come here señorita
mercedes walks to him
Mercedes: what! you wanna fight too!?
Miguel just looks her up and down then stands up ( hes a little taller than her btw) she just stares at him then leaves , he grabs her arm and she turns around and says
Mercedes : listen here spanish man!
miguel: whats your name ?
mercedes : none of your-
Ling : ( yells out) it mercedes !
miguel: mer - ce - des hmm i like that , mercedes and i could get uses to it to ; ) ~
mercedes : ugh
She glares at him and walks away to ling
mercedes: ling !!!
Ling : i told you , you two are cute together : )
Y/n : i think you all are pretty tired so you can pick where you want to sleep and ill get blankets !
she walks in her room and gets spare blankets and pillows
Y/n: okay here you guys go : )
jin decided to sleep on one of the arm chairs and ling right next to him on the floor , steve on the couch and lars on the floor next to the couch, then mercedes on the floor in the corner when miguel decided to lay down right next to her.
Mercedes : what do you think your doing miguel ?
miguel : going to sleep mi amiga?
mercedes: next to me? no , sorry not a chance now move !
miguel : hmmm im soo tired * yawns*
mercedes: no you dont !
she trys shoving him but hes too heavy , he just smiles and grabs her making her lay on his chest
Miguel : mercedes you could have asked to cuddle with me ~ *he chuckles*
Mercedes gives up from trying to move from him and falls asleep on him
Miguel: hmmm~
then he falls asleep himself
y/n: awww their cute
Then she gos into her room and went to bed herself
Y/n : (murmurs) today was odd!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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