Chapter 7

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I may just make this 10 chapters long.. Maybe 15 if I'm lucky. 😱

Riley's POV

It's been 3 days since I last saw Densia. I gulped nervously, as I was about to turn in for the night. Two more days with Corey. And then...

I shivered. Densia plays dirty. She'd kill me if I tried to save Corey from her again.. Tsk. Interfering with MY mission. I stare at the dark roof and sigh. I took out the hair clip I'd been wearing for a while. It felt so... Natural. I placed it on the bedside and felt a pain in my gutt. Something was wrong...

The air in the house shifted drastically, and it was intense, filled with hate. Usually, I'd enjoy that... But I didn't bring it. I heard grunts of pain from Corey's room, he was murmuring in his sleep. "No.. Densia!" I gulped and ran to Corey's room, seeing her casually hovering above him, moving her fingers certain ways to torment him. "Erg.. Laney.. Kon.. Kin.... Marshmallow.." Corey murmured, struggling in his sleep.

I shot darts at Densia. "Leave him be, this is my job!" I hissed quietly. "What? I'm making it easier for you.. Why don't you just kill him now before you get too close with him?" Densia smirked devilishly. "Because SHE wouldn't be able to see it, you'd get the credit, and his soul wouldn't be able to pass through the moon. I'd be ruined!.." I snapped. ".. You and I both know why your really doing this.. And let me tell you this; if you fail to kill him on the last night... I'll do it myself, and I won't hesitate to take you down too..." Densia hissed slowly, swerving her fingers in a pattern above Corey.

"Or maybe I can just kill you before midnight.. Then get the boy... Either way.. Your not getting what you wanted." Densia giggled evily. "Do you really think he'd ever show any kind of affection towards you? Even a hug?" She purred. I looked down, growling. "I'm.. Just playing him. I know he cares.. I just.. Need time."

"You have 2 days left..." Densia warned, before vanishing. The room's aura shifted back to normal. Corey soon relaxed and returned to a dreamy state. I sighed softly as I went to the doorway. I hear Corey shift in his sleep and mutter something. I look back, seeing him curled up. "R-Riley.." He mumbles and sleeps. I smile, and returned to my room.

As I dozed off, Densia's words echoed in my mind.

"Do you really think he'll ever show any kind of affection to you?..."

'He's already shown so much compassion towards me.. Even if I'm a vampire. I'll show you, Densia...'

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