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I let out a neigh, I had succeeded. I had caused my neighbor's bucket to fall over.

I turned in my stall, my gray ears pinned against my head. My sharp hooves pounded against the stall door. Two week. Two weeks away from my family. 

"Alright, fine!" I let out a sharp cry, warning the man not to enter my stall. This was Shaggy Beard, or Rob. Apparently, he was the best horse breaker around.

I'd see about that.

Three large men forced a piece of leather on my back, and another shoved a cold, hard piece of metal into my mouth. I reared, stepping on one's foot and kicking another in the shoulder. I realized something. Rob was going to ride me.

Not if I could help it. I was dragged out into a sandy, round arena. Rob vaulted onto my back. I decided he'd be lucky if he was on for a second.

As soon as weight came down on my back, I bucked, twisting and rearing and bucking and kicking. I slammed him against the rail, and he slipped off. I rolled, smashing the saddle and breaking the reins.

"Dad, can I try?" A small human, no older than 15, pointed at me. 

"She just through my best rider, son. No way!" He shook his head. "Get the blasted mare to her stall."

By The MoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang