Chapter 8

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(And I don't care if you'll say stuff but I am also going to add some wwe wrestlers in here)

He screams like a girl when I growl and I see the bots looks at me scared like they wander who I am and the Chevy twins runs off behind Ratchet "Galloway if you ever think about kicking anyone out of this base or anybot"I said dangerously "I will kick you in the krunknuts very hard NOW LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK IN THIS PART OF THE BASE YOU HEAR ME AND IF YOU TRY TO GET PEOPLE HUNT ME DOWN THINK WRONG I'VE GOT BOTS HUMANS AND TROLLS THAT WILL HUNT YOU DOWN FOR ME AM I CLEAR"I remove my daggers and he runs off nodding as he sees me in my troll form and screams like a girl when I roar in his face and I look at the Chevy twins and chuckle "relax everyone including you Lennox and Epps it me y/n I am troll for now so you'll recharge I need to keep a look out any way" they leave and go to sleep while I stay awake and I do the patrol and I keep my gaurd up and I went to the training area and I punched the punching bags and shot targets with arrows and cut targets in half then I went to my locker that was in my room
when I open it I see a pic of me and randy ortan doing weird faces while he had me in his rko move and another of me,Roman reigns,Seth Rollins and dean ambrose practice fighting in the wrestling ring and I was doing the viper move on Seth and I chuckle and I see another of me smashing pie in triple h face and he smiles and I laugh and another one of me and the uso's and the rock all laughing and I see one of undertaker,Kane and me doing silly faces while undertaker eyes rolled back and another one with me on big shows shoulders and I smile and I see me with hulk hogan and We do peace signs,i see another one of rusev and me fist bumping

I see another one of all the wrestlers and me in the middle of them and I am laughing and me joining in upupdowndown in their videos for YouTube I remember when ortan took me as my ex left me at a match and I had no where to go before I joined the military and ortan acted as my brother when I was hurt and as I join wrestling and I was called the blue fire viper and I was almost the scary version of the viper for ortan and we was like siblings while I was gone and I miss all the wrestlers that acted family to me and I sigh and close my locker and lock it up and I grab my phone which was charging and I see a lot of messages from all of the wrestlers that I had pictures with and it made me shock that they still cared for me and I turned off me phone not wanting to answer them cause they think I am dead and I didn't want to them to think I am a freak and I keep in my troll form and I turned human and I saw the trolls still human and the kids looking at me as I sigh and walk in my army pants shirt and combat boots on and I jog around base for awhile and I see multiple of army vehicles and they go to the vehicle bay where the autobots stay at "this can't be good"I ran and followed them and as they stop and I stop at the door and turn troll and I see them
I saw roman reigns,Seth Rollins,dean Ambrose,Kane,undertaker,the USO's,big show,hulk hogan,triple h,rusev,the rock and him I can't believe randy was here and I stayed hidden and they was introduced to the bots and the trolls and the USO's got along with the Chevy twins and ironhide got along with Roman and randy and I sign and watch everyone "why are we here"randy ask "well where she is should of been here to see you'll but you need to go find her"ironhide shows the the pic of my troll form and everyone runs off to find me 'they went to my locker' I thought and I walked out and I had my arms crossed over my armor since I am in troll form and I walk out and everyone looks at me and I walk to a punching bad and punched and kicked it like I did as a wrestler and  I saw all the boys from wwe look at me and as I turn human they become shocked and I chuckle "it's nice to see everyone"they all hugged me and and I hugged back  the rock,hogan and Kane left and me and undertaker are talking right now and I watch as argh,Toby and big show talkin with hound and rusuv talking to crosshairs and the USO's talking to the Chevy twins with blinkey and Jim and dean and Seth was talking to the terror twins talking and Roman and randy talking to ratchet,ironhide,Jazz,Claire,mom with mr slinkier with the and draal "so your with the blue haired guy that is a troll"I heard undertaker say and I nod and he leaves with his brother Kane and I watch everyone get along together and I see optimus and he walks over in his holoform "what's up prime"I wave at him as I am in my human form "so how have you been"he asked "I've been better but we should double control for now" I said looking at everyone "what's going on"he asked "is Ethan he took draal and I am staying here and the wrestlers can go but if they stay I choose charges who they are with cause I already have ideas who will get along just well"he nods and leaves and goes back into his bot form
"I won't let anyone else get hurt like what happen to draal.I,y/n will watch and protect these wrestlers,autobots and trolls as family and keep the safe from harm even if it cost my life protecting them"

Troll hunters draal x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora