"Girls are y'all ready to go" Ashley (Halsey) said knocking on the door "one second" brooklynn said opening the door, she was wearing a red faux leather dress with black thigh highs "damn girl you got a lot of ass for that little ass dress" Ashley said when Sara walked out wearing a pink leather dress "oh y'all are twinning" Ashley continued sitting in the bed, Sara bent down to pick up her pink heels to match her dress "I have a bunch of people I want y'all to meet so please don't drink to much and stay function-able" Ashley said standing up "okay well I'm ready to go whenever y'all are" Brooklynn said putting on her jacket "that's a lot of leather" Sara said looking her up and down "all faux" Brooklynn said grabbing her keys and walking out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, when she got to the kitchen dom (yungblud) was sitting at the counter on his phone "what's up" Brooklynn said grabbing 4 shot glasses from the cabinet and the vodka out of the freezer and pour 4 shots while Sara and Ashley walked into the kitchen each grabbing a shot glass along with dom also grabbing one "to new roommates and to have a fuckin blast at this party" Ashley said when they all cheers and took the shot "okay bitches are we out of here?" Brooklynn said putting her shot glass in the sink "yep" they all said walking out the front door and to the parking garage to brooklynns car, a matte black Dodge Demon. They pulled up to the party, parked the car and got out and walk in the house "I smell the weed and alcohol, I'll fit in great" brooklynn said and Sara laugh "I bet you will" she said "bitch I have a blunt in my pocket right now" brooklynn said to her over the music. Ashley grabbed brooklynn and Sara's arms and pulled them to the living room with 6 guys all sitting on the couches and chairs two of them each rolling blunts on the table "this is colson, it's his birthday that's why yall are here" she said "and that's rook, his friend and band mate. Here sit and get to know each other" Halsey said before walking away "hello I'm colson, and you guys are" he said holding out his hand and both of the girls shaking it "well I'm brooklynn and this is Sara" brooklynn said pointing to her self and moving to the other side of Sara to shake rooks hand "I like your jacket" he smiled at her "thank you" she responded smiling "so What brought you guys here tonight because y'all don't seem to know who we are" colson said licking the wrapper, brooklynn sat down and pulled the joint out of her pocket and setting it on the table "Ashley brought us here she said I would be a good time" Sara said waiting for brooklynn to find a lighter "well are y'all having a good time" rook said looking at brooklynn" I will be once I find the alcohol" she said to him "here come with me I'll take you to it" he said standing up and holding out his hand, brooklynn looked at Sara "I'll be back in just one second stay here with him" she said to Sara "please don't leave her alone I don't want to lose her" brooklynn said to colson "noted" he said to her. Brooklynn took rooks hand and they began walking towards the kitchen Sara watched as he lit his blunt and leaned back against his couch. "So, what about you, are you enjoying yourself?" He chuckled, looking her up and down as he removed the blunt from his lips, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke. She smiled softly at him as she shifted on the couch, nodding her head. "I'm good." She mumbled, looking down at her shoes that sparked whenever light hit them. "Are you okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her as he leaned forward, placing his finger under her chin and lifting her face to look up at him. She blushed and clenched her teeth together before nodding her head. "I have social anxiety." She said, shrugging as she watched him lean back once again and take another hit off his blunt. "I see," he mumbled, furrowing his brow as he thought to himself. "Maybe you just need something to relax your nerves, a shot? Do you want a blunt? i'm sure someone in here has Xanax." He mumbled, looking around the room for a minute. She couldn't help but to catch herself staring at him, his blonde hair causing his bright blue eyes to stand out even more. He wore a white button up with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of black ripped jeans. She glanced him up and down, her eyes taking in all of his tattoos. "Enjoying the view?" He chuckled at her. "Huh? What? Oh." she snapped back to reality. "Y-Yeah, wait, i mean, no, i mean, yes I was, but I was just looking at your tattoos." She stuttered and blushed as she dropped her head back down. He laughed at her stutter before shaking his head. "Calm down sweetheart, I was just giving you a hard time, relax." He told her, leaning forward and tucking her hair behind her ear as he took another hit. Sara turned at the sound of brooklynn's laugh, her eyes watching her and rook as they came back with cups in their hands. "Have fun?" Sara giggled at her. "Dude, these guys are fucking hilarious!" Brooklynn stated, sitting back down beside Sara. She laughed, dropping her head before slowly looking back up. It was almost like slow motion, or like she was imagining things. Her eyes slowly scanned up Colson's body as he sat in front of her, his elbows resting on his knees, the blunt between his lips, and his eyes directly on her. She blushed once again, shifting as she snapped back to reality. "So, where are you girls from and where are you staying?" Rook asked, taking a shot out of his cup as he looked to brooklynn. "Well we only live like 15 minutes away, so we might just go back home" brooklynn said crossing her legs "well if y'all are drinking y'all can just stay here, you know for safety reasons and all" rook said winking at brooklynn, causing her to smile and drop her head. colson passed Sara a blunt "to calm your nerves" he said she took it from her hand and began smoking it, she tried to pass it back to him "no that's all you boo" he said Sara shrugged and put the blunt back to her lips, and passed brooklynn the lighter, Brooklynn grabbed hers off of the table and lit it with the lighter Sara gave her "do you want a drink I'll go get you one when I get a refill" she said, Sara nodded "Makers Mark mixed with ginger ale on ice"  brooklynn said getting odd looks from colson and rook "I've lived with her for almost 5 years We're both potheads and alcoholics that's how we bond" brooklynn said walking away "I'm gonna go with her" rook said standing up "aye yo, don't get her to drunk I know what youre trying to do tonight" colson said leaning forwards roll another blunt. Sara laughed at his comment "brooklynn thinks he's cute but she's got her head on tight she won't fuck with a guy the first time she's met him she's gonna ask him to hang out before she try's anything" Sara said "yeah rooks not that type I just like to fuck with him, he's probably gonna ask her out sometime before he tries anything. what about you? You got your head on tight?"

Brooklynn & Rook:
Brooklynn couldn't help but laugh at Colson's comment as they walked away. "He must think i'm a lightweight." She chuckled softly. "I wouldn't doubt it, but who knows, guess we'll find out throughout the night." He shrugged. "Mama ain't raise no bitch, I can hold my liquor." She stated proudly. "Well then, tell mama i said thank you for not raising a pink drink sipping bitch." He laughed as he watched her grab four glasses. "So, are you and sara sisters?" He asked, causing brooklynn to giggle. "No, she's my best friend. We met at a concert and we've been together ever since." She smiled as she set the glasses on the counter. She grabbed them individually, filling it with ice before moving to the next. "Honestly I would consider us sisters at this point, she's like family to me." Brooklynn smiled as she she searched around the kitchen for makers mark. "Try the bar." He laughed, pointing to the bar in the back of the room. "Totally where I was going." Brooklynn smiled as she walked to the back and grabbed the bottle of Makers before walking back to the counter where she was mixing drinks. "Don't get me wrong, i was enjoying watching you bend over." He smirked as he watched her. Brooklynn filled the glasses a little over half way before screwing the cap back on. "Yeah, hilarious, nice try, Romeo." She batted her eyelashes at him before walking to the fridge and grabbing two cans of ginger ale. "But i don't fuck on the first night." She winked at him as she opened the cans, distributing them in the glasses before throwing them into the recycling bin. "Well, you don't have to fuck me, but I know both of you guys have been drinking tonight and i'd be perfectly fine if you wanted to crash in my room tonight. I wouldn't make any unwanted moves, i'm a gentleman." He smiled at her. "Or, if you really don't trust me I could call you an uber when you leave." He smiled at her before picking up two of the drinks to help her carry them. "But, on my drum kit, I refuse to let anything bad happen to you." He smiled softly at her as they began to walk back towards the party.

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