What Do We Do Now?

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I feel like this story will never end. Lol
it might go forever bc im not sure where the hell its going.


:::Elena's Pov:::

'Matt, its over!' 

'FINE!' he shouts slamming the door.

Honestly i blame Caroline for this, Matt still loves her and it tore us apart. He knows that she likes Klaus. Matt can go live forever alone then. I'll move on, eventually. Everyone i ever love just dies or turns against me. New friends are what i need. 

Walking towards the local library in search for something interesting to read, I notice a totally hot guy walking my way. Say something Elena.

'Hey' his voice is amazing oh my god.

'Uh.. Hi' I squeak, so pathetic Elena.

This stranger is such a ten, he's tall, amazing green eyes, and his accent is amazing. Sounds like the Originals. Maybe he's a vampire. Couldnt care less at this point he's gorgeous. I'd turn him if he's human. Who would let him get away.

'What's your name beautiful?' He smirks.


'Well Elena would you join me for a coffee?' he's so cute.

'HELL YES!.... I mean sure' Gosh im pathetic.

After three hours of drinking coffee and talking, i think i love this guy. He grew up here but moved a lot, he plays piano and loves books. Oh and he's a vampire, actually he was friends with Lexi and Stefan but Stefan doesnt remember. He knows about me also. Apparently he knew Katherine and found out she got killed so he flew here to find out who did it. He likes his coffee black with three sugars and he prefers Heavy Metal to pop music. Is this a dating site or what?

'You know what, id love to do this again but i gotta run' he says.

'Me too, here's my number' I say writing my number on the unnused napkin.

'Amazing, Goodbye Elena' His smile oh gosh.

'Wait! I dont even know your name' I laugh sheepishly.

He stops and turns, giving me a devilish smile he speaks.

'Rockson... Nathaniel Rockson.' 


Yeah its a little bit of a twist you could say.
but i hope you enjoyed it.
And its short as but i struggle with writing long chapters so im gonna write short chapters but more frequently.


What happens when, your Dads an Original Vampire & your BFF's dating your Uncleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن