[Future] Chapter One

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Sirius' Point of View

I can remember the day I first met you... It would be hard to forget. A smile tugs at my chapped lips as I stare into the depths of my brown coffee mug. I watch the surface ripple slightly when someone accidentally bumps the table. Each ring brings another memory, sad and happy and just plain funny or weird. The smile wins the tug-of-war with my mouth. I close my eyes and take a deep yet quiet breath through my nose, remembering all of our memories. A hand rests on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look into the gentle gaze of Molly Weasley.

"Are you alright, Sirius?" Her hazel eyes swimming with concern, I just smile at her and let out a soft chuckle. Her face contorts into confusion as I shake my head a little.

"I'm okay. Just remembering." I tap the side of my head gently. She looks at me with pity in her eyes before she smiles a little. I can tell its forced. She nods and walks away to continue whatever it was she stopped doing to ask me such a silly and highly un-needed question. She means well, I know! But it does get a little annoying after a while. All the questions I mean! As I am watching her slightly waddle off down the hall another smile tugs at my lips. I shake my head with a chuckle and sip at my coffee. My face scrunches up thoughtfully as I being to run a hand over my beard repeatedly, lost in thought once more. I could never understand how you could stand to drink such a... human drink. I shrug a little and take another sip. It really isn't that bad I guess. I tap my fingers on the table as my thoughts are keeping me to busy to notice. Suddenly pushing myself up from the table, I sigh a little... Something I seem to do a lot nowadays it seems. Walking down the hallway, I take a right into the little room I spend a lot of time in now. It's also your favorite room. Plopping down into your favorite chair, I watch the flames of the fire place dance. Oranges and reds mixing together perfectly... I motion my wand at the door and it closes silently. I allow a few tears to drip down my cheeks, only to dissappear into my beard, never to been seen again. I glance up at the picture of you, Harry and I sitting on the mantle. You have a shocked look on your face, Harry is laughing, and I have a huge grin on my face. Snapping my head away from the picture, I rest my chin in my hand after leaning forward slightly in the chair. I stare at the flames as if they are suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. I could never foret you, and yet at the same time I wanted too forget.

[A/N]: "The end of chapter one... So what do you think?"

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